This Food Category Consist of Fish, Chicken and Beef
What is the main organ of your respiratory system
When you breathe out what is the waste product/chemical that leaves your body
Carbon Dioxide
What is the bodily system compiled of organs that removes solid waste from your body
Excretory System
The process of breaking down food is called what?
This Food Category Consist of Broccoli, Carrots, Lettuce, Celery, and Carrots
The organs that bring oxygen into your body are all part of what?
Respiratory system
The air Sacs in your lungs are shaped like what?
Tiny Balloons
These two organs are bean shaped, the size of your fist and the main organs of the excretory system
Tube that receives food from your stomach is called what
Small Intestine
This Food Category Consist of Starches and Sugars
The muscle that moves your lungs
What are the air sacs in your lungs surrounded by
Waste product that passes from your bladder and out of your body
Nutrient that keeps your bones strong and healthy
What are the categories of the food pyramid called
Food Groups
Your lungs are made up of 300 million of these
Air Sacs
How does Carbon Dioxide leave your body
What does the excretory system remove from your body
Liquid Waste
Eating foods high in salt or fat can cause what?
High Blood Pressure
What is energy from food called
After you breathe in air through your mouth/nose, where does it go next to travel through your body?
Wind Pipe
In your lungs, Carbon Dioxide and ________ are exchanged in air sacs?
Organ that holds and urine and moves it to your kidneys
High blood pressure, if left untreated can cause your body to have a ______________
Heart Attack