If you do not charge this every night before school, you will receive a step for unpreparedness.
What is your Chromebook.
This is the proper response to working with someone you are not best friends with.
What is work hard together and try your best.
When Ms. Weaver gives you a dum-dum, where is the best place to put the wrapper and stick?
Ms. Weaver asks a question that you know the answer to. How do you get her attention?
Raise your hand.
Where do you get worksheets from at the start of class?
What is the orange tray.
This will help you keep track of important due dates, assignments, and upcoming events
What is your agenda/planner
When is it appropriate to call people names or insult them in class?
This is what you do with your chair when you are about to leave the room.
Push it in.
Where can you find the agenda for the day if you forget what you are doing?
On the whiteboard on the left side of the classroom.
If you turn in an assignment late, how should you let Ms. Weaver know that it is ready to be graded?
Email her! If you tell her in class, she may forget!
When you finish with your work, you can often use this to help pass the time until class ends.
What is work for other classes/missing work/or a book to read.
You and a friend are messing around, but then it goes a step too far. If a friend tells you to stop, what do you do?
You stop what you are doing.
Imagine we are working on a project in class. When it is time to clean up, how should you help?
Cleaning up all trash and putting classroom materials where they belong.
You have a really important question for Ms. Weaver that you need to ask while she is teaching. What is the best way to get her attention?
Raise your hand. Please do NOT shout out in the middle of class.
Where do you turn in finished assignments that need to be graded?
In your class period's black tray.
Without this, all of your notes, maps, vocabulary sheets, graded work, and social studies homework will not have a home.
Is the phrase "shut up" allowed in class? What is a better phrase you can use instead?
No! You can say "can you please be quiet," or "can you please stop,' or " please quiet down."
Ms. Weaver gives you a graded assignment that you don't want anymore. Where is the best place to put it? The floor, in a desk, or....
IN THE TRASH CAN. Not on the floor or in a desk.
When someone in the class is talking, how should you behave?
"What is listening quietly.
Do you need to raise your hand to ask to sharpen your pencil?
No! You can get up quietly and sharpen it without asking for permission.
You cannot write without this...
There are three blue recycling bins in the classroom. What goes in these bins?
Paper. No plastic, no food wrappers, no bottles, no candy trash, only paper.
Answers may vary.
Where is the first place that you should look if you have questions about an assignment BEFORE asking Ms. Weaver?
The Directions! They are always posted on the board and on the assignment.