Handbook Pt 2: Electric Boogalo
Where in Classroom?
Classroom Procedures

Where can you find both a Note about Concert Etiquette AND a Note about Sacred Music?

The Choir Handbook! 


If I have a Conflict for the Concert and don't know what to do. What should I do?



I don't have a pencil, where can I find one?

Pencil Case on the Table under the Speaker System


Where should Cell Phones, AirPods/Earbuds, and Chromebooks be when singing?



If Ms. Weeding isn't in her office or in the classroom, can I be in the room or practice rooms?


*Unless you have prior permission and Ms. Weeding knows you will be in there.


What are the required materials for each day of class?

Folder, Music, Working Pencil, Chromebook


What is the Hat Rule in Ms. Weeding's room?

When singing, the hats must either be OFF or have the hat turned around so your eyes aren't shadowed


I don't know the Concert Dates or other important dates, where can I find them?

Choir Website (under "Upcoming Events" tab) or Whiteboard Calendar


When can I use the piano in the front of the room?

Only if you have received permission from Ms. Weeding, otherwise YOU DON'T


I need to let Ms. Weeding know about something (i.e. field trip, upcoming absence, etc.). Other than telling her, what should I do?

Email Ms. Weeding - her object permanence is BAD sometimes


What happens if I lose my folder before the end of the trimester and can't turn it back in?

Pay the $10 Missing Folder Fee!


What should you do if you hear a mistake during rehearsals?

Ask to review the part of the piece as a section (i.e. Altos at measure 10) in a NICE and CONSTRUCTIVE manner; or let Ms. Weeding know during a transition or end of class. 

DO NOT call out sections or people in front of the class


Where in the classroom can I eat food or have non-water flavored water?

On the TILE floor or near the garbage cans. Please try to keep it off the painted portions of the floor, and AWAY from the Piano. Keep food and drinks (even water) away from the nice piano


Can I erase or write on the Whiteboards in the classroom?

NO. Never erase anything, and only if you've been given permission to write on the board can you do so. But usually no.


What are some of the Practice Room Etiquette and Rules?

Ask before entering any of the rooms; Respect equipment and items in room; No food or drinks (water is fine); Do NOT record over other people's work & be aware; Do NOT slam the doors (back one especially); No Hiding out in the rooms or messing with things in them; Be aware of volume (respectful please); Clean up after selves


What percentage of your grade is the CONCERT?



How far ahead of the Concert should Ms. Weeding be notified if there is a Conflict?

No later than 1 week before Performances. As soon as possible is best.

Where would you find the Stapler, Tape Dispenser, and Pencil Sharpener?

Small Table under Speaker


Can I write in the music scores given to me?

YES, and you SHOULD if you want to remember things like breath marks, rests, emotion notes, dynamics, etc.


What should you always be willing to do in this classroom? 

*Hint - it's something other than "sing"


Name 2 out of the 5 ways you can get 25 points to Letter in Choir

Participate in 2/3 Trimesters of Choir; Participate in Solo & Ensemble; Participate in All-State Choir; Participate in Honor Choirs; Participate in Musical Activities (Fall Musical, Chamber, National Anthem)


According to the handbook, what should you be doing during rehearsal when NOT ACTIVELY singing?

Concentrating (i.e. listening while the other section works, looking at your music and following along, listening to how the other section fits into the piece)

*So NOT sleeping, drawing, talking, on your phone, etc.


I lost my music or didn't get a certain piece, where do I go to find this?

Music Cubby on table under Weeding's Office Window


What are the rules about chairs in the classroom?

All 4 feet on the floor at all times; No feet on chairs

*Bonus - when moving, PICK THEM UP don't drag them


How do you lock/unlock Ms. Weeding's door?

The small Silver bar in the doors, when extended, props the doors open. To lock, make sure the Silver bar is flat against door.