All about MSA
Stories of the Prophets
All About Quran
Muslim countries
Whos most likely to/ board member edition

Name all the board members names of MSA

What is Bahar, Afrah, Sulaiman, Mansoor, Laila, Danish, Nyla, Fizza, Ziggy, and Ibrahim.


When Prophet Noah (AS) loaded the ark with animals to protect them from the flood, in specifc what was his requirements for the animals?

They must be one female, one male

How many surah do we have? 



This countries flag is green and consists of many important cities in islam.

 What is Saudi Arabia 


Which member most likely to accidently consume ham after asking multiple times to make sure the meat is halal and not pig, threw it all up, and then threw a huge commotion after finding out they have eaten ham at a muslim event.

Who is Bahar 


What new roles are made this year for the board and what are there priorities

What is Islamic outreach and Co-presidents. Explanation varies


Which prophet was a prince and since he killed a man he ran away? 

Prophet Musa AS


In what year, month, and location was the Quran revealed.

What is revealed in the holy month of Ramadan in the year 610 AD to the Prophet SAW in cave Hira.


Which country has the highest muslim population

What is Indonesia 


Which member most likely fell asleep on a blanket on the floor in the middle of the airport because their flight was delayed overnight and no hotels were available. 

Who is Nyla


What is DC MIST and what does it stand for?

What is DC Muslim Interscholastic Tournament in which high schoolers from all around Virginia compete in different islamic related tournaments.


Name all of the grandchildren of Prophet Muhammad SAW through his daughter Fatima. 

Imam Hussain 

Imam Hassan

Sayeda Zaynab



Which surah in the quran is dedicated for women's rights.

What is Surah-an-Nisa


This country consists of red in the flag is known for its beautiful scenery and has a mix population of muslims and christians. 

What is Albania 


Which member most likely met some random crackhead at mist and got a lesson on life abt the femininity of the world and mankind.

Who is ziggy


How much money did we make from last years bakesale?

What is $804


Which prophet, who was also a king, is mentioned in the Quran as having asked Allah for a unique kingdom that no one after him would have, and was granted control over the winds and jinn?

Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) (AS)


What surah is this? 

Wa Kana Llahu Ghafouri raheema

Surah Furqan


What is the most tropical traveled to muslim country.

What is Maldives


Which member most likely got harassed by a drunk man on the top of the burj khalifa when they were 8.

Who is Danish


Which event had the most people involved in.

What is the walkout for Palestine


Which prophet was the guardian of Maryam (Mary) and prayed for a child when he saw her being provided with sustenance from Allah?

Prophet Zakariya (AS)


Finish the aya Surah Bayyinah: 

لَمْ يَكُنِ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ مِنْ أَهْلِ ٱلْكِتَـٰبِ

وَٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ مُنفَكِّينَ حَتَّىٰ تَأْتِيَهُمُ ٱلْبَيِّنَةُ


This country can be found in Africa and relies mainly on agriculture and its culture is influenced by Arabs and other African traditions.

What is Chad 


Which member faked a concussion in 7th grade went to the ER, almost got an X-ray, and got excused from all homework for a month all because their head was hurting and they wanted to skip P.E. 

Who is Afrah