How many days does the Thingyan festival typically last?
What is capital city of Myanmar?
Nay Pyi Taw
What is UTS QS world ranking?
Most iconic Thingyan song
Thingyan Moe
What is the full name of the president
Ye Yint Hlyan
What does getting wet mean during Thingyan?
Washing away impurities from the last year
What was the biggest Myanmar empire?
Which building is known as paperbag building?
Dr Chau Chal Wing
Building 8
Business building
Who is the male singer of kyi sar tha lar
yar zar nay win
Who here did the "sar p p lr" reel
What is the term for food donations during Thingyan?
When did Myanmar gain independence?
What UTS building is considered ugliest building in Sydney?
UTS Tower
Who is singer of Thingyan Moe
Zaw Pine
How many executives are there?
What is April called in Burmese Calendar?
What is the name of the spear of Anawrahta?
Arain Dama
How many student housing did UTS use to have?
Who is singer of Shar pone taw min thar gyi
Zaw Pine
Which month did MSA officially start?
What tradition is done by younger people to elders during "hnit san ta yat nay"?
Perform hairwashing
How many indigenous ethnic groups are in Myanmar?
Which decade was uts founded?
1969 - 1960s
what two english singers did we promote in our recent instagram post for karaoke songs?
Kanye and Taylor
Bachelor of Arts and bachelor of Advanced Studies