Context Clues
Main Idea
Cause & Effect
Making Inferences
Drawing Conclusions
The store owner saw that no one was buying tomatoes at $1.39 a pound. He REDUCED the price to $1.00 a pound, and more people started to buy tomatoes. A...raised B...lowered C...charged
A...Daisy bakes every day. B...All girls bake cookies. C...Daisy makes a cake and cookies.
C...Daisy makes a cake and cookies.
EFFECT: Brian and John fell in a puddle. What is the CAUSE? A...Brian tackled John. B...They were playing football. C...John was mad at Brian.
A... Brian tackled John.
A...Diane and the others are at an archery contest at school. B...Diane and the others are shooting pistols at a target. C...Ivy and Richard will not get 25 points.
A...Diane and the others are at an archery contest at school.
It is likely that: A...There are whales in the tide pool. B...There are hermit crabs in the tide pool. C...There are elephants in the tide pool.
B...There are hermit crabs in the tide pool.
My friends are very CONSIDERATE. They came to visit me when I was sick. They brought me some bright flowers to cheer me up. They sat and talked to me and made me feel better. A...thoughtful B...unpleasant C...forgetful
A...Milk is best with fruit. B...Milk is good for you. C...Cows give milk.
B...Milk is good for you.
CAUSE: Felipe worked hard at basketball. What was the EFFECT? A...He really wanted to go to school. B...He was picked for the team. C...The team played every day.
B...He was picked for the team.
A...The teacher feels sorry that Grant got sick. B...The teacher is upset with Grant. C...Grant is telling the truth.
B...The teacher is upset with Grant.
It is likely that: A...Geography means the study of the earth. B...Geography means the study of the ocean. C...Geography means the study of the soil.
A...Geography means the study of the earth.
The puppy was very little. When my mother picked it up, the puppy was frightened. It began to WRIGGLE. After a while, it felt safer and lay still. B...sleep C...twist and turn
C...twist and turn
A...People need dogs. B...Dogs like people. C...Dogs make good pets.
C...Dogs make good pets.
EFFECT: The elephants tried to lie in the shade. What was the CAUSE? A...One elephant was splashing water. B...The sun was very hot. C...It was cooler in the water.
B...The sun was very hot.
A...The key to Nick's lock is inside the locker with Nick's shoes. B...Somebody has stolen Nick's clothes. C...Nick does not know the combination the lock.
C...Nick does not know the combination the lock.
It is likely that: A...The ocean has some strange chemical in it. B...The ocean is made of salt water. C...The ocean is very polluted.
B...The ocean is made of salt water.
My brother and I always used to fight over television. We asked our parents to buy another TV. They said that if we continued to QUARREL, they would get rid of the one we had. Now we don't QUARREL. Instead, we take turns watching shows. A...question B...fight C...laugh
A...Ida likes most foods. B...Turkey is good for you. C...Ida likes turkey.
C...Ida likes turkey.
CAUSE: Julie saved a little boy. What was the EFFECT? A...Her brother was in deep water. B...She heard a cry for help. C...Her brother was proud of her.
C...Her brother was proud of her.
A...Some parents are interested in whether cafeteria food is healthy. B...Parents are protesting today because cafeteria food is not hot enough. C...It is easy to prepare good meals for a large number of people.
A...Some parents are interested in whether cafeteria food is healthy.
It is likely that: A...Coconuts have a lot of fiber. B...Fish has a lot of fiber. C...Water has a lot of fiber.
A...Coconuts have a lot of fiber.
There is a VACANT lot across the street from where I live. My friends and I use it as a playground because nothing is built on it. The only game we can't play there is "hide and seek," because there is nothing to hide behind. A...big B...busy C...empty
A...To show why turtles are good pets. B...To tell about turtles. C...To tell what turtles eat.
B...To tell about turtles.
CAUSE: We ate turkey all week long. What was the EFFECT? A...I never want to see a turkey again. B...We ate turkey sandwiches and pie. C...Thanksgiving was last week.
A...I never want to see turkey again.
A...Algebra is a foreign language. B...Algebra is the study of letters. C...In Algebra, you use numbers and letters.
C...In Algebra, you use numbers and letters.
It is likely that: A...If food enters your trachea, you will yawn. B...If food enters your trachea, you will cough. C...If food enters your trachea, you will sneeze.
B...If food enters your trachea, you will cough.