When we get ready for supper which students get dismissed first to wash their hands?
The quietest and cleanest table
What is Ms. Claudia's favorite color?
Which two students in class always wear a beanie? (similar ones)
Nikko and Jayden!
Which day of the week does Ms. Claudia come late to CORAL? And where does the class meet after school?
Thursday! and at the Cafeteria!
What is the San Jose State University school mascot?
When you get a text or call on your phone what do you do first before you answer it?
Let Ms. Claudia Know
At what University is Ms. Claudia studying?
San Jose State University!
Who is our future Criminal Detective?
What time are walkers allowed to walk home?
What is the Name of the jungle book bear?
How can you earn a ticket and CORAL bucks?
By going far and beyond our classroom rules!
What is Ms. Claudia Studying? And what does she plan to do with her study?
Sociology! And to help troubled youth/teens or those who need that extra support.
Who is the luckiest in our classroom raffles?
What is the CORAL director's name?
Ms. Ileana
What is it called when birds fly to warmer climates for the winter?
When we come from CORAL moves what are we expected to do?
Walk in quietly grab a book and read quietly.
How old is Ms. Claudia Turning today?
Where are Jafeth and Joel from?
When is the CORAL store open?
Every last Friday of each month
How many bones does a worm have in their bodies?
If you ask to do a specific activity what is the response?
You must earn it, you can't ask for things and not behave as one or as a whole class. Good Behavior is always rewarded!
True or False?
Ms. Claudia has been working for CORAL for 2 years and 3 months.
FALSE! Only for about 5 months!
Who are the two students that Ms. Claudia always confuses their names? (not Joel or Jafeth)
Javen and Jayden!
What is the CORAL Pledge
I am a Reader and a Writer
I am an artist and a scientist
I am an Athlete and a leader
I am a dancer and a singer
I am a lifelong learner
I am a CORAL Scholar
Riddle: What's always on the ground but never gets dirty?
A shadow