What is turns ripe when it’s ready to eat?
Where is the arc reactor at on Tony Stark?
Who is the first villian that the Avengers combat?
The character Sebastian appears in which Disney film
Little Mermaid
I have my house full of family named Michelle, Rebecca, Jesse, Stephanie, DJ, Dave, and Joey.
Full house
What keeps the doctor away?
Uses a hammer and is god of thunder?
Which freelance is know to temporary (on and off) join the Avengers throughout the organization's battles for humanity?
What is the name of the Prince from Princess and the Frog?
Prince Naveen
These kids used to be on a t.v. show called Rug-rats.
All grown up
Its also a color
Where do all The Avengers Meet up at?
In the ending Battle
At any point in time, was the entire Fantastic Four in the Avengers?
There are 6,469,952 black spots in this movie. Yes, someone counted them all.
101 Dalmatians
There is a blue bird and Brown raccoon that works at the park for a gumball machine
Regular show
It’s red,White and green with black and white seeds
Super Strong and and unbreakable skin
Luke Cage
Who was the first Avenger to die? (started as a villian)?
Wonder Women
In which movie would you find the sisters Drizella and Anastasia?
This t.v. show has the guest star of Kerry Washington.
A homonym for this word means two.
Super Old and Super Strong
Captain America
What was the Original Line-up of the Avengers?
Antman, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, & Wasp
It features more Elvis songs than any movie actually starring Elvis.
Lilo & Stitch
This is a t.v. show that includes a cat and a fish and a bunny and they do amazing things.
Amazing world of gum ball