An agreement between two parties that is often written down, like a contract.
What is a Treaty?
But girls, just _________
But girls, just wanna have fun
____ is hosting jeopardy now
Who is Mayim Bialik
The Hawaiian Pizza, originating from Canada, has tomato sauce, ham, and this fruit as a topping.
World war 2 started on _____
When was September 1, 1939
Eminem is in _ Eminem songs.
what is all of them
____ created jeopardy
who is Merv Griffin
Some students used way too much cinnamon sugar when we made this dish at the Brickworks.
What is BANNOCK?
The last dynasty in China is _____.
What is The Qing dynasty
"Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said,"
What is, "Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone"
____ had the biggest loss in jeopardy
Who is Patrick Pearce
Which two spices are the most popular in the world?
What is pepper and mustard
In an alternate universe, Louis Riel got permission from the queen to start THIS country.
What is the Dominion of Assiniboia?
I wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be _________________
I wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be A little gamblin' is fun when you're with me
_____ was the most money made in jeopardy
What is 4.9 million dollars
Gordan Ramsey is in _ cooking shows.
What is 5
The last ice age was _____ years long
What is 75000 years
Ludwig van Beethoven was born on _________
When was December 1770
_____ was the first champion in jeopardy
Who is Mary Cabell Eubanks
What is the only food that can never go bad?
what is honey