Red Flags/Contraindications

Name a pathology that would cause a boggy end feel. Also, what is a boggy end feel?



A high school basketball player complains of knee pain after getting a rebound. He reports that he came down with the ball, planted his feet, and pivoted his leg to run down the court. He heard a pop and his knee started to hurt and swell up like a balloon. What is your diagnosis? If you are in between 2, what special test can you use to help you rule in your primary diagnosis?

ACL tear

Lachman's (ACL)

McMurray's (Meniscus) 

Valgus stress test (MCL) 


Your patient is performing a prone knee hang off the PT table with a 3lb ankle weight and reports pain in the patellar tendon. What can you do to help ease symptoms?

Decrease the ankle weight 

Have the patient slide up the treatment table 

Stop the Exercise 

Put a towel under the knee 

Put a towel under the knee 

Which of the following muscles does not contribute to hip flexion? 

Vastus medialis 

Rectus femoris 



Vastus medialis 


Which of the following is NOT a contraindication to aquatic exercise? 

Severe PAD 

uncontrolled bowel/bladder 

Uncontrolled seizures



Ataxia (this is a precaution) 


While Manual Muscle Testing the middle fibers of the Deltoid, your patient struggles to hold shoulder ABD in sitting. How can you modify this position? Once the test is modified, the pt can move through the full range, what score is this?

Modify this position by having them in supine



A female runner complains of a burning pain on the back of her heel. She mentioned that it hurts the most when she gets up in the morning or in the middle of the night, it then subsides after walking around, then it hurts again when she gets to mile 5 of 10 on her runs. The posterior calcaneus is TTP with mild swelling. What is your diagnosis?

Achilles tendinitis


A patient in your clinic broke his wrist 5 weeks ago and is cleared for joint mobilization. Upon examination, you find that he is lacking radial deviation in his wrist. Which direction will be most effective to improve this ROM deficit?

Radial glide

Ulnar glide

Palmar glide 

Dorsal glide 

Ulnar glide (convex moving on concave so it is opposite) 

All of the following muscles insert on the pes anserine except: 







You want to perform joint mobilizations on a patient with elbow arthritis. Which of the following is a precaution to performing this method of treatment?

Joint swelling 


Unhealed Fractures 

Excessive Hypermobility 

Unhealed fractures 


Due to ecchymosis, your patient cannot move their knee past 40 degrees of flexion, which special test can you still perform in this limited range? 

Craig's test 

Posterior Drawer 


McMurray's test 



Your patient is a weekend warrior who reports anterolateral shoulder pain. He is hesitant to perform  any shoulder AROM. He presents with weakness, difficulty elevating the shoulder past 90 degrees. Your exam shows limited PROM, tenderness with palpation, and crepitus noted at end range. Is this bicipital tendonitis or this subacromial bursitis?

Subacromial Bursitis 


Your patient presents to the clinic 2 weeks post-op ACL tear. Which exercises would be the safest to perform during this point of recovery? 

No open-chain knee extension 


Muscle action of the sartorius 




of the hip


Which of the following findings would warrant a call to emergency services? 

Pt reports fatigue in the shoulder 7 minutes into arm cycling 

Pt reports nausea after being prescribed a statin medication

Pt reports a new onset of chest pain and radiating symptoms into the arm after walking on a treadmill for 3 minutes

Pt reports excessive pain in the hip adductors during soft tissue massage 

Pt reports a new onset of chest pain and radiating symptoms into the arm after walking on a treadmill for 3 minutes


You notice your patient has an anterior trunk lean during gait observation, what could be the cause of this? What about a posterior trunk lean?

Anterior = Quad Weakness

Posterior=Glute Max Weakness


While in an outpatient clinic, you are treating a 7 year old boy with right groin pain. He presents with a subtle limp that has been present for 3 months. His mom reports that she has been trying to get him to lose weight, so he started playing soccer for fun. She mentioned that he limps more after soccer practice and needs to sit down because it hurts to run. What is your diagnosis?

Legg-Calve Perthes disease


Your patient presents with LBP that radiates down through the buttock to the lower leg. PROM into Extension increases symptoms while flexion causes no change. Upon palpation, you notice a step deformity. What would be an effective intervention for this patient? 

Prone extension 

Abdominal strengthening 

Sciatic nerve glides 

Repeated motions into flexion  

Abdominal strengthening 

Your patient has limited DF ROM while in long sitting. You decide to check DF with the patient's knee flexed and the DF ROM did not change. Which muscle is causing this limitation? 



Which of the following is NOT a contraindication to cervical traction? 

Acute trauma, sprains, or fractures



Vascular conditions 



During the supine to sit test, you notice that your patient's left leg is longer in sitting and shorter in supine. What direction is the Left innominate rotated?

Posteriorly rotated


Your patient is a music teacher who complains that her fingers aren't doing what they are supposed to do. She has a history of RA, so she is used to finger pain, but she reports this is a new symptom. While trying to play the flute, she said that her middle joint bends backwards and she cannot place her fingers on the instrument correctly. During your exam, you find PIP hyperextension and DIP flexion. Which deformity is this?

Swan Neck Deformity


Your patient presents with limited flexion during active mid-cervical flexion and has pain with right-side bending and rotation to the right. Which direction would be most beneficial to perform joint mobilizations to help with this limitation? 

L SB PPIVM in a flexed position


If a patient sustains a fracture of the ischial tuberosity, which of the following muscles is LEAST affected? 



Biceps femoris 




Why do driving instructors make good physical therapists?

Because they can teach fine motor skills