The norm for shoulder external rotation
What is 90 deg?
The primary muscle tested during hip abduction MMT.
What is gluteus medius?
The insertion of the patellar ligament (and quadriceps muscles).
What is the tibial tuberosity?
The most commonly injured ligament during a lateral ankle sprain.
What is the anterior talofibular ligament?
This causes vasodilation.
What is thermotherapy/heat?
The fulcrum for measuring knee flexion ROM with a goniometer.
What is the lateral epicondyle?
The muscle tested during elbow flexion MMT thumb up.
What is the brachioradialis?
The SITS muscles are these four.
What are supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis?
Osteoarthritis is degeneration of this tissue.
What is articular cartilage?
Reynaud disease is a contraindication to this.
What is cryotherapy?
The name of the test to assess hip flexor muscle length.
What is the Thomas Test?
The muscle tested during ankle dorsiflexion with inversion.
What is tibialis anterior?
The innervation to the deltoid.
A heel lift may be recommended to alleviate pain with this diagnosis.
What is Achilles tendinopathy/tendinitis?
The body's response to prolonged cold, causing alternating vasoconstriction and vasodilation.
What is Hunting Response?
The norm for Ely's test.
Grade 2 MMT position for shoulder internal rotation.
What is prone?
The 3 muscles that attach to the coracoid process.
What are the short head of the biceps, coracobrachialis, and pec minor?
The medial calcaneal tubercle is often painful in patients with this diagnosis.
What is plantar fasciitis?
These are 2 PRECAUTIONS to ultrasound.
What are acute inflammation, epiphyseal plates, fracture, and breast implants?
The 3 ankle motions that make up pronation.
The degree of hip flexion while testing the TFL.
What is 45 deg?
The 3 muscles that attach at the pes anserine.
What are the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus?
The capsular pattern of the shoulder often seen in adhesive capsulitis.
What is external rotation>abduction>internal rotation?
The type of nonnociceptive fibers that, when stimulated, cause an inhibitory interneuron to close the pain gate.
What are A beta fibers?