Anatomy and physiology
Range of Motion
Health Assessment
MSK Unexpected Findings
Fun Facts

This is where the mandible and temporal bone articulate

What is temporomandibular joint (TMJ)?


Bending the ankle so that the toes move toward the head

What is dorsiflexion?


A CSMT assessment stands for...

What is circulation, sensation, movement, temperature? 


This is the lateral curvature of the spine, usually affecting both the thoracic and lumbar parts, with a deviation in one direction in the thoracic and in the other direction in the lumbar spine.

What is scoliosis? 


Grating or crackling sound which may be heard by nurse during musculoskeletal assessment.

What is crepitus?


These are the two types of bone tissues

What is compact bone tissue and spongy (cancellous) bone tissue?


Movement of a part toward the centre of the body

What is adduction?


You are assessing the patient who has been diagnosed with a neuromuscular disorder. The patient can complete ROM when the joint is supported, cannot perform ROM against gravity. You would document the muscle strength in the right leg as

What is 2/5? 


Putting on socks and shoes, Crossing legs, Sitting while hips are flexed should be avoided or assisted with in client in clients post operative from _______

What is a hip replacement (hip arthroplasty)?


If a client has itching under the cast, they should place a long hard thin tool (such as a scratching stick) under the cast and gently rub the itching spot. True or false?

What is False?


This connects bone to bone to stabilize joints and limit movement 

What is ligaments?


Movement of a part away from the centre of the body

What is Abduction?


The patient reports that a previous right hip replacement is suddenly painful. this hip assessment technique should be omitted 

What is adduction?


This disorder occurs when bone resorption occurs more rapidly than deposition, leading to porous and weakened bones.

What is osteoporosis?


In the first 24 hours after a musculoskeletal injury (for example, a fracture patient who reports to the ER), which of the following is the most appropriate nursing intervention. Elevate and apply ice? Or apply heat and keep extremity in a dependent position?

What is elevate the extremity and apply ice?


4 types of connective tissue are.. 

What is cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and fascia?


A circular motion that combines flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction

What is Circumduction?


You note that an adolescent has uneven shoulder height. You would ask your patient to do this in order to differentiate between functional and structural scoliosis

What is stand up straight while you check the height of the iliac crests?


On inspection of a patient’s hands, the nurse notices ulnar deviation and swan-neck deformities bilaterally and correlates this finding with which disorder?

 What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?


Patient was discharged after total knee replacement. Redness and warmth in calf after discharge may be evidence of this type of post operative complication.

What is DVT (deep vein thrombosis)?