Special Tests
Red Flags

Patient is seated or standing with elbow flexed to 90degrees and forearm fully pronated.
Palpate the biceps brachii tendon in the bicipital groove
Instruct patient to supinate arm against the therapist resistance
Resist the supination force but allow the patient to go through the motion

What is Yergason's Test


Most prevalent in people 50-54 years of age.
Insidious onset, maybe trauma related
May be from acute injury or degenerative disease
Patients main complaint is shooting pain

What is Cervical Radiculopathy


DTR- Radial nerve (C5, C6)



Initial treatment for: Right shoulder
Pain 2/10 now, 6/10 worst, 0/10 best
GH posterior hypomobile
Flexion L: 178, R:172 w pain at 115
Abd L: 176, R: 175 w pain at 105
ER L: 90, R: 75
IR L:70, R: 50
Hawkins Kennedy +
ER lag -
Crank test -
ER MMT L 5, R 4-
IR MMT L 5, R 4
Supraspinatus MMT L 5, R 4-
Mid Trap L 4+, R 3+

What is GH Posterior glides grade 3-4


Older age
History of trauma (MVA or fall)
Gait disturbances due to hyperreflexia

What is Cervical Central Cord Lesion


Positive test: Reproduction of myelopathic symptoms during forward flexion, decrease in symptoms during anterior to posterior movement, or excess displacement during the AP movement. 

What is Sharp Purser Test


Insidious onset, maybe from a sudden change in time spent in certain positions.
UE paresthesia and pain with or without symptoms into the neck and/or head.
Hand feels hot or cold, and arm may feel heavy or swollen
Observed trophic changes

What is T4 Syndrome


Description of a DTR 4+

What is "A tap elicits a repeating reflex (clonus), always abnormal"


Treatment to improve LOWER cervical mobility 

What is CPA, UPA, upglides, lateral glides, cervical paraspinal STM, SNAGS


Patient has a history of diabetes and IV drug use. The patient has insidious onset of chest pain localized in the SC joint. Patient has a fever

Septic Arthritis (AC joint)


Patient seated with therapist standing
Stabilize superior portion of the patients shoulder with one hand while passively abducting their shoulder to 90 degrees and internally rotating
Add an axial compression to the humerus ad maintain compression while horizontally adducting arm. 

What is Jerk Test


Mostly seen in intercollegiate sports of men's rugby, wrestling, and hockey.
Traumatic cause: FOOSH
Main complaints: pain and difficulty lying on involved side, overhead activity, and reaching across body

What is AC Joint Sprain


Crosses anterior at lateral epicondyle -> supinator muscle

What is Radial Nerve


Treatment to improve UPPER cervical mobility

What is suboccipital STM, suboccipital stretch, anterior-posterior upper cervical mobilization


Unexplained weight loss
No relief with treatment or bed rest
Previous history of cancer
Neck pain

What is cervical neoplastic conditions


Patients is standing with radial pulse found.
Passively abduct, extend, and externally rotate the patients arm.
Patient takes a deep breath in and rotates their head to the same side.

What is Adson's Test


Main causes are overuse, pathology, and malalignment
Affects 1 in 3 adults
More stiffness in the AM
Wearing down of hyaline cartilage leads to an inflammatory response

What is Osteoarthritis


Name the nerve between C4-C5 vertebra

What is C5 nerve root


Initial Treatment: L shoulder
Pain 1/10 now, 5/10 worst, 0/10 best
MMT R 5/5
MMT L Flexion 4, Abduction 4-,Extension 4, IR 4, ER 5
Adson's +
Roos +
First Rib Spring +
Costoclavicular Test +
Joint rib mobility WNL

What is Cervicoscapular Unloading and patient education

Chest, shoulder, or upper abdominal pain
History of, or risk factors for developing deep vein thrombosis

What is Pulmonary Embolism


Purpose: Assess for cervical radiculopathy
Positive Test: Decrease or elimination of patients symptoms

What is Cervical Distraction Test or Cervicoscapular Unloading


Minor neck strain resulting from an unguarded or awkward movement or position.
Unilateral neck spain commonly with referred pain to scapula and shoulder.
(+) Spurlings

What is Facet Syndrome


Which ULNT?
Scapular Depression, Shoulder external rotation at 90 degrees, Wrist Extension + pronation, Shoulder abduction brining hand to ear

What is Ulnar Nerve


When would you avoid doing a manipulation

What is
-Lack of practitioner skill
-Lack of confidence
-Patient denies


Chest pain- intensified with inspiration
Difficult to ventilate/expand rib cage
Hyper resonance upon percussion
Decreased breath sounds
Recent bout of coughing or strenuous exercise or trauma.
