Special Tests
Red Flags

The Medial Talar tilt is testing which Ligament?

Calcaneofibular Ligament


What is the special tests listed within the CPR for SIJ PAIN

Lasletts cluster:

+ SI Distraction

+SI Compression

+ THIGH Thrust 

+ Sacral Thrust


What should you perform to determine if Radiographs are necessary for a pt following a acute head or neck injury?

Canadian C-Spin Rule's


Name and perform a intervention to help with a lack of DorsiFlexion?

1. Posterior Talocrural Mob

2. Soft tissue of the PLantarflexors

3. Prox/Distal TibFIB mob 

4. Talocrural Manip

5. MWM TC joint


Explain the Physiology Behind a Spondylosis and the demographic that is most common presented in? 

Anterior Slippage of the inferior vertebrae on the Superior Vertebrae (L5-S1 or L4-L5 Most Common)

Youth (10- 20 y/0)

>45 y/o (degenerative in nature) 


What is the Cluster of Special tests that assess for rotator cuff pathology according to Park et al.?

1.Painful arch

2. Drop- Arm

3. infraspinatus MMT


What is the CPR for Lumbar spinal Manipulations?

1.Duration of current episode of LBP of <16 days

2.No symptoms distal to the knee

3.FABQ work subscale score <19 points

4. Segmental mobility testing ≥1 hypomobile segment in the lumbar spine

5. Hip IR ROM; ≥1 hip with >35 degrees of IR ROM                                                                                   



You suspect your patient may have Cauda Equina Syndrome. Explain common symptoms and course of action.

Progressive leg weakness

Diminished LE reflexes 

Saddles paraesthesia 

Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction

CALL 911 pt required immediate Emergency medical attention 


What intervention could be performed to help a patient with limited upward rotation of the scapula with OH movements.

Mobilization with movement w/ scap rhythm 


Explain the pathology and demographics for Lumbar spinal stenosis. 

Narrowing or the canal/foramen

Extension is painful 

Sitting over standing 

"shopping cart syndrome" 

60 y/o +


Name and Perform the special test that would help Rule in an ACL tear?


Anterior Drawer Test


State the Clinical Prediction Rule for Meniscal Pathology?

1. History of Catching or locking reported by pt. 

2. Joint line tenderness 

3. Pain with forced hyperextension 

4. Pain with maximal passive knee flexion

5. Pain or audible click with Mcmurrays 


You notice unilateral swelling of the LE w/o an MOI and the pt reports they are currently undergoing cancer treatment. What should Be cleared to ensure no red flag is present?

DVT (Wells Criteria)


Pt presents with S/S of FAI. Name and perform interventions for this Pt.

1. MWM w/ belt

2. Hip Lateral or long axis Distraction

3. Half Kneeling Banded Hip mobilization 


Perfrom the Neuroscreen for the LE. (Myotomes, Dermatomes and reflexes)

Just do it!


Name and Perform all the special tests for testing the integrity of the Ulnar collateral Ligament?

1. Valgus stress test 

2. Moving Valgus stress test

3.Milking Maneuver


What are the 5 Rules listed within the HIP OA Clinical prediction Rule?

1. Squatting as aggravating factor 

2. Positive Scour test for groin or lateral hip pain

3. active hip flexion causing lat hip pain 

4. Passive IR less than or equal to 25 degrees

5. Active hip ext causing pain


Explain the Difference between Cervical Myelopathy and Cervical Radic? Why is Cervical Myelopathy a RED flag?

Cervical M: UMN lesion signs ( hoffmans, GAit deviations, Babinski) 

Caused by an encroachment of the central canal causing compression of spinal cord

Cervical Radic: LMN sign ( +ULTT, Positive spurlings, Diminished reflexes )

an compression of the nerve at the nerve root

Further compression of the Spinal cord could result in irreversable damage to the spinal cord 


Assess and perform a thoracic manipulation. Name the CPR associated.

1.Neck Pain < 30 days

2. No symptoms distal to shoulder

3.Looking Up does not aggravate 

4. FABQPA<12

5.Decreased upper thoracic kyphosis

6. Cervical extension <30 degrees


What is the CPR associated with a Cervical manipulation

Symptoms less than 38 days 

Positive expectation a manip will help

Side to side difference in cervical rotation ROM of 10 degrees or more

Pain with P to A spring testing


You suspects that the patient has Nerve symptoms radiating peripherally due to TOS. What special tests would help confirm your suspicions. 

UPPER Limb Tension Test For Nervous symptoms related to TOS


1.ALLEN's maneuver

2.ADSON's maneuver

3.Costoclavicular Maneuver


You suspect a pt is suffering from carpal tunnel. What is the CPR that supports these findings?

1.Shaking hands for symptom relief

2.Wrist-ratio index greater than .67

3.Symptom severity scale greater than 1.9

4.Reduced median sensory field of 1 digit

5.Age > 45 years old


What are the 5 D's, 3 N's , and 2 A's? What do these symptoms related to?

Cervical Arterial Dysfunction (CAD) or Vertebral Artery Insufficiency (VBI)


What interventions could be performed for a Pt with Lumbar Facet dysfunction?

1. Sidelying distraction w/ mob

2. Lumbar manip

3. Prone Lumbar UPA (Contra or IPSI depending on opening or closing issue)


Pt presents with weak elbow extension and loss of sensation to the posterior middle finger. What nerve Root is indicated?
