Made up of three to four Platoons, for a total of 100 to 120 Soldiers. Normally led by a Captain who is advised by a 1SG on enlisted matters.
What is a Company?
What is Parade Rest?
What is a Spur?
Soldiers may become apathetic and begin neglecting their personal hygiene and fail to properly dispose of potentially hazardous solid and human waste products.
What is Breakdown in Basic Hygiene and Sanitation Practices?
These professionals serve honorably ----- according to the Army ethic ----- under civilian authority while obeying the laws of the Nation and all legal orders; they reject and report illegal, unethical, or immoral orders or actions.
What are honorable servants?
Set expectations for conduct and are fundamental to making the right decision in any situation.
What are Army Values
This individual movement technique is selected when the route provides cover and concealment, enemy visibility is poor and speed is NOT required.
What is the Low Crawl?
Battalion Commander Rank
What is a Lieutenant Colonel?
Distinguishment between the two underlined portions of a two-part command
What is preparatory command, and the command of execution?
Three Minor Terrain Features.
What is a Spur, Draw and Cliff?
The first individuals in the medical chain that make medically substantiated decisions based on medical MOS-specific training.
What are Combat Medics?
A member of the Army Profession who meets the certification criteria of competence, character, and commitment.
What is a Army Professional
Put the welfare of the Nation, the Army and your subordinates before your own.
What is Selfless Service?
Troop Composition
What is a Fire Team?
Deploy, Fight and Win our nation’s wars by providing ready, prompt and sustained land dominance by Army forces across the full spectrum of conflict as part of the joint force.
What is the United States Army Mission?
You are outside walking to class and you encounter CPT Cantrell on the sidewalk. Customs and Courtesies says you do what?
Salute and give the greeting of the day.
Back Azimuth of 245 Degrees.
What is 65 Degrees?
What is Disease and Non-Battle Injuries
SFC Petry enhanced Trust within the Army by his valiant actions in combat. Outside of the Army where must we also enhance that trust?
Who are the American People.
Represents the professional attitudes and beliefs that characterize the American Soldier. It reflects a Soldier's selfless commitment to the Nation, mission, unit, and fellow Soldiers.
What is Warrior Ethos?
Fire Team, and Fire Team File
What are Movement Formations?
My Counterpart is the Platoon Leader. The rank being......
What is a Platoon Sergeant?
This type of Fall-In alignment
What is "At Close Interval"?
Follow the Star
What is True North?
What are health threats in Military Operations?
Increase cohesion, and foster pride in the Profession through ____________
What is Esprit de Corps?
What is Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage?
Purpose, Control, Security, Flexibility, and Fire Capability
What are Basic Formation Characteristics?
Three Components of the Army.
What is Regular Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserve?
The 4 main Army Commands headed by a 4-Star General.
What are;
-FORSCOM (Forces Command)
-TRADOC (Training Doctrine)
-AMC (Material Command)
-AFC (Futures Command)
Grid Designation and 8 Digit Grid.
What is 16S FG 0557 8046
This type of evacuation with a Medical Vehicle
What is a MEDEVAC or Medical Evacuation?
Five Essential Characteristics of the Army Profession.
What is Military Expertise, Honorable Service, Trust, Esprit de Corps and Stewardship of the Profession.
True faith and allegiance to the US Constitution, the Army, your unit, and other Soldiers.
What is Loyalty?
Requires minimal leader orders, vital to success in combat and initiated on cue.
What are characteristics of Battle Drills.