Build this sign.
Sign 20 on mouth. Palm out.
What is a bird/chicken?
This Deaf writer used the pen name "Howard Glyndon"
Who is Laura Redden Searing?
Signing System where all the words are fingerspelled with the exception of the word "and"
What is the Rochester Method?
The spiral cavity of the inner ear.
What is the Cochlea?
Inform consumers when federal or state mandates require disclosure of confidential information.
What is CPC 1.3?
Build this Sign.
Claw handshape pulls from front of head to back of head.
What is a lion?
This Deaf athlete inspired the hand signals in baseball
Who is William Ellsworth "Dummy" Hoy?
MCE stands for.
What is Manually Coded English?
The fruit shaped diagram that covers the frequencies and decibels that are needed to understand speech
What is the Speech Banana?
Provide service regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, and any other factor.
What is CPC 2.1?
Build this sign.
Both hands. Open 9 pulls out from corner of the mouth to F handshape. Palms face each other.
What is a cat?
The first Deaf woman to earn a pilot's license.
Who is Nellie Zabel Willhite?
Signing System that assigns a movement to each syllable.
What is Signed Exact English (SEE1)?
The three small bones in the middle ear make up the ossicles chain
What are the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) , and stapes (stirrup)?
What is CPC 3.3?
Build this sign.
3 hand-shape. Thumb on nose. Pointer and Middle fingers repeatedly bend.
What is an insect?
Known as the Father of Oralism in American Deaf education.
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
CASE stands for
What is Conceptually Accurate Signed English?
The outermost portion of the ear
What is the pinna?
Approach colleagues privately to discuss and resolve breaches of ethical or professional conduct through standard conflict resolution methods; file a formal grievance only after such attempts have been unsuccessful of the breaches are harmful or habitual.
What is CPC 5.3?
Build the Sign.
Both hands. Claw hand-shape. Non-dominant palm facing up and dominant palm facing down. Tap Fingertips.
What is an Alligator?
Founder of the "Silent News" Newspaper.
Who is Julius Wiggins?
Signing System that uses the 2 out of 3 rule (sound, spelling, and meaning); assigns one sign to a multi-meaning word. (ex. run to the store, run a meeting, run a mile)
What is Seeing Essential English (SEE2)?
What is Cerumen?
Identify CPC 6.7.
What is "Render pro bono services in a fair and reasonable manner"?