When you come into the classroom, What are you immediately pulling out?
What is 18 divided by 3?
What is the official TLC room?
Room 20
What color eyes does Ms.Sophia have?
If I have Four quarters and three dimes with two pennies how much is that?
What are you supposed to do if you have no homework?
I-Ready, Achieve, or SmartyAnts
How many tens does 6 have?
What time is dismissal?
Does Ms.Sophia have any kids?
Yes! she has 23. Jk she has zero.
What animal is this? Rhymes with Wrapylara
How many people does Ms.Sophia allow to go to the bathroom at a time?
Usually one but if emergency two at most.
If Gael brought a pizza to school with eight slices and wanted to share with Matthew and Jasmine and Christian. How many slices would each person get?
Who do you check in with?
Ms. Sophia/ Ms. Eliza
What is Ms.Sophias' favorite P.E. game?
Sharks and Minnows.
Is 5 a prime number or even?
Is there ever eating in the classroom?
No, unless Ms. Sophia brings something we can.
Give me any example that will equal one half
4/8 2/4 3/6 5/10 6/12 7/14
What time is snack on Wednsdays?
What Month what Ms. Sophia born?
Name the book series where the boy is a wizard and attends a magical school?
Harry Potter
it is not optional, unless Ms. Sophia sees you are not done with homework and you didn't get much time with it.
If Juan brought cookies for the whole class and each person is gonne get 4 each how many cookies does he need to bring? (23 students)
When is Mariachi?
When is her birthday?
August 21st!
Name the colors of the Rainbow
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.