Key Terms
Key Terms & Things

chemical compounds found in various foods we eat that are essential to the body because they help it maintain, generate, and repair tissues. 



The science of how the nutrients in food affect health. It includes the study of how the human body ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, and metabolizes food.



An ___ _________ ____ must satisfy ACF-established requirements that include a certain number of points earned from education, experience, and awards. In addition to culinary work, the candidate must complete 30 hours each of coursework in nutrition, food safety and sanitation, and culinary supervisory management. After meeting the point requirement, the candidate must pass a national certification exam and a proctored practical exam. To maintain certification status, continuing education must be completed.

ACF-certified chef


A ___________________ must complete a two-year, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics–approved undergraduate program and complete 450 hours of supervised practice. A national exam is available to further certify knowledge. Must meet continuing-education course requirements to maintain certification.

Registered dietetic technician (DTR)


A ___________ __________ must complete a four-year, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics–approved undergraduate program, advanced training through an internship or master’s degree, must pass a national exam and meet continuing-education course requirements.

Registered Dietician (RD)


To assist people who want to address their dietary requirements when eating out, Federal legislation & some state and local laws mandates restaurants with 20 or more locations must label their menus with calorie counts for standard menu items.

menu labeling


Food that has been prepared, cooked, chilled, and made ready for simple reheating. This is a fast- growing segment of the restaurant and foodservice industry.

home-meal replacement