MSTEP is Super
MSTEP is the highlight of my year
MSTEP what?
Is is summer yet?
List the "chain of command"
What is Proctor-> Testing Administrator-> Michelle Morrow-> Mary Lang-> Michelle Krynicki-> Bill Fetterhoff
True or False- Discussing test items with other staff members is allowable?
What is False
True or False- Treats will be delivered to the classroom for positive encouragement the day of the test
What is TRUE!!
Test administrator/proctors may re-read questions to students.
What is False- you may re-read directions as listed in the Administration Manual but NOTHING more!
The place where I can find information about testing security and administration
What is Testing Integrity Guide
True or False- teachers may discuss the administration manual
What is True- Teachers are encouraged to read the administration manual and talk it over with colleagues
What elements MUST be present on the student note paper?
What is student first & last name
True or False-- Students who make little or no attempt, appear to be unengaged, or seem to be randomly answering questions are exhibiting prohibited behavior.
What is False- While not the desired behavior, this is not considered student prohibited behavior (p.25)
Testing Scenario: A student appears to be clicking through questions quickly and not attending to the test. A proctor/Testing Administrator stands behind the student gently placing their hand on the student shoulder and gives them a smile. Is this behavior allowable?
What is Yes- Proctors/Administrators may NOT hover or assist a student by any direct or indirect means (gestures, pointing, prompting etc.) in providing correct or incorrect answers on test This proctor/administrator simply gave and encouraging smile but did not intend to lead the student to an answer
True or False- It is allowable to read complete student responses during the testing session
What is False- (p.18) #12 states Prohibited Administration includes "Read student responses during, after testing"
Who do you get your secure testing materials from?
Who is Michelle Morrow
What is the goal of the integrity guide?
What is to provide procedures and guidelines that lead to student results that accurately reflect a valid and reliable measure of their true educational knowledge, skills, and abilities
The best way to prepare students for the MSTEP
What is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn in accordance with the teaching and learning standards of the state of MI (p.22)
Three prohibited behaviors of a proctor or testing administrator
What is - Holding extensive conversations - Reading newspaper/book - Eating - Working on computer or personal device - Tending to other duties - Grading papers
True or False-- Informing students that poor performance might reflect negatively on the student, school, teacher, family, or peers and encouraging students to work beyond a reasonable effort are is considered prohibited behavior.
What is True- (p.24) All activities aimed at motivating students should be positive and promote an encouraging environment.
True or False- Whole group breaks in mid-test are allowable
What is False- (p.20) #4 States "Fail to follow test administrator manual instructions for session administration or schedule a break in the middle of a session. Breaks are to occur at the conclusion of an individual test session"
Testing session has finished. Describe what to do next.
What is Return all secure items (tickets, notes, seating chart, and scrap paper) to Michelle Morrow
A student asks what the meaning of a word is. The response of the administrator/proctor should be:
What is "I cannot help you with that, just do your best"
Give 3 examples of inappropriate items in the testing environment.
What is - "Test taking tips" - word lists - Definitions - Multiplication tables - Content displays - Writing formulas - Math formulas - Charts or Maps
The primary role for the Test Administrator/Proctor
What is maintain testing security (also accept monitor students) p. 14
What MUST be completed by testing administrator during testing sessions?
What is 1. complete seating chart 2. handle secure testing tickets/notes appropriately 3. Note and communicate testing irregularities & absences with Building Coordinator (Michelle Morrow)
True or False-- Focusing instruction on secure test items is considered a misadministration and is cheating.
What is True -- p. 22 "The OSA will investigate, and if found true, will invalidate student scores."
A Student needs to use the restroom during the test. What is the process?
What is Teacher/Proctor collects notes paper and gives to Trevor for security. The teacher/proctor then escorts the student to the restroom.
A school uses released items and practice tests with the intention of improving students scores. This is behavior is allowable or prohibited?
What is prohibited-- p. 22 "At no time should school testing be used to continuously drill (Drill & Kill) or repetitively use practice tests with the intention of improving test scores.
List the secure test items
What is - Test Tickets - Student Note Pages