Tweety Bird
Man loses goggles, underestimates reading ability of fish
Finding Nemo
Giant balloon floats and Santa Claus make an appearance during this turkey-day parade.
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
To relent in being angry or in wishing to exact punishment for
The brand called Mike's Hard makes cider & punch, but its logo shows this is its flagship drink
Happy Feet
A struggling artist and a rich chick fight over a door.
This flowery parade is held in the honor of a football game.
The Rose Parade
A person that looks after another
"I don't always drink beer, but when I do I drink _______. Stay thirsty my friends."
Dos Equis
Orange Bird
Older sister ruins younger sister's chance to be on a televised game show.
The Hunger Games.
The river runs green for this Chicago spring parade.
St Patricks Day Parade
An inadvertent revealing of something that is not otherwise evident or is meant to be concealed
"Cold as the Rockies"
Coors Light
Orphaned farmboy finds hope in obscure religion after death of his aunt and uncle.
Star Wars: Episode Iv - A New Hope
Don't forget your beads if you attend one the numerous parades that fill the streets during this Southern party.
Mardi Gras
To arouse suspicion or apprehension in
The largest alcoholic producing company in the world.
Beaky Buzzard
A lonely guy (Matt Damon) grows vegetables.
The Martian
Colorful parades are a part of this Indian festival marking the end of India’s winter season.
Surgical removal of gum tissue.
A gin & tonic cocktail, for example, or the tall, straight-sided glass in which it's served