Are students allowed to sit at my desk or go behind red counter?
No sitting at ms walzer's desk! Respect her space bubble. The only times a student can go behind the counter is to hand out laptops!
Bridgette Riley is part of what art movement?
Op Art
Stand up and show the class where the paint brushes and cups go during painting
If I have something to say I...
Explain what mandalas are
Stand up and show the class where the laptops are. How should they be put back?
in number order and charging!
If I need to use the bathroom I should...
Raise my hand and wait because only 2 people can go out at a time! Make sure to take the pass and bring it back!
We drew character self portraits this year! What does self portrait mean?
Photo or painting of yourself!
Find the ruler bin
by the board!
Volume zero and heads down until instructions are given
Name an artist from the Op art lesson
Bridgette riley or MC Escher
Find the bathroom passes, they should be put back in the same spot each time!
by the rack!
Explain volume 0-3
0-no speaking
2-regular talking
3- too loud, most likely to be written on section sheet.
2D (two-dimensional) shapes are flat, while 3D (three-dimensional) shapes are solid objects with length, breadth, and depth.
A drawing vs a sculpture
How do we earn dojo points?
Ms. Walzer rewards dojo points to those who participate, help clean, and help others. at 50 pts you can claim a prize or snack. At 100 points you can bring your lunch and watch tv in my classroom during lunch.