A condition that affects a person's thinking, feeling, behavior or mood. These conditions deeply impact day-to-day living and may also affect the ability to relate to others.
Mental Illness
Super Bass
Nicki Minaj
"Why so serious?"
The Joker, The Dark Knight
What country does ramen come from?
What is full of holes but still holds water?
A sponge
True or False: medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems.
False: medication can be helpful, but therapy and counseling are also effective forms of overcoming mental illness.
"Never tell me the odds"
Han Solo, Star Wars Episode V
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Mt. Everest
What gets wet while drying?
A towel
List 3 coping skills you can use when you feel overwhelmed.
Listen to music - Talk to someone - Go for a walk - Mindfulness - Workout/Exercise - Drawing/Art - Sleep/Nap - Journaling - Watch tv shows or movies
Sugar, we're going down
Fall out boy
"My precious"
Gollum, Lord of the Rings
This South American country is the largest producer of coffee
What goes up but never comes back down?
Your age
Why don’t some people share negative feelings such as sadness, being hurt, frustration?
Worried about being judged, or laughed at or seen as vulnerable. This can be due to the stigma around dealing with our mental health.
Childish Gambino
"You can't handle the truth"
A Few Good Men
The smallest dog ever recorded was this breed
Yorshire Terrier
Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet you miss me when I have flown. What am I?
This hormone is released when the body is under a lot of stress and is part of the fight or flight response.
Foo Fighters
"I feel the need - the need for speed"
Top Gun
What is the traditional music and dance of Argentina that originated in the late 19th century?
What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish?
A map