From the story the land i lost, What made the author name his story “the land I lost”?

The author does not live where he was born and raised.


In the land i lost, When lan gets married and leaves her mother, why does she not cry?

She knows her mother will be right next door.


In the land i lost, Why does trung and lan’s mothers arrange their marriage to each other?

The mothers knew that lan and trung are in love.


In the land i lost, How does lan survive from the crocodiles attack?

The crocodile drags her to an island where she climbs a tree.


In the story the land i lost,where in the story does the point of view change?

When the author begins to tell the story of lan and trung.


In the story A glory over everything, the white women says to Harriet that if you ever need help. What did she mean by this?

if she ever needed help in escaping to the north, where Harriet will be free she will help her run away.


In a glory over everything,when did Harriet decide that she wants to escape the plantation?

After she heard of the sale of her sisters.


In a glory over everything, Why did Harriet sing a cryptic song?

She wanted to tell her sister that she was going to run away that evening.


In a glory over everything, what did harriet place the importance of first before slave masters?

She placed the importance of freedom before fear of slave masters


In a glory over everything, what is meant by this excerpt?

“Didn’t they know that if they go back they would be sold, did they not value freedom” 

She is willing to risk her life to escape slavery.


In a glory over everything, when Harriet was escaping to the north with her brothers, what had occurred after her brothers stopped?

They argued and forced Harriet to come back to the plantation


What is the main purpose of the story a glory over everything?

It tells the true life story of a major historical figure who wanted freedom. it showed the importance of freedom.


What is the main theme in the story the land i lost?

The author wanted to keep memories about his land alive ,because he does not live there anymore


In the story Storm, What story was shared by the narrator to show Storm’s sense of humor?

Gary narrates the story of how storm played many tricks on him and the other dogs and one day storm has taken his hat and hid it under snow.


From the story Storm,What is an Iditarod race, and where does it normally take place?

It is a dog sled race which takes place yearly in Alaska.


From the story Storm, explain how  storm communicated with his owner?

He picked the stick up in his mouth if everything was fine, but if there was a problem he refused to pick up the stick or take it from Gary.


In the story Storm, Explain why Gary said Storm has scale eyes.

He could judge the weight of an object or load to be heavy or light.


In the story Storm, Explain why Gary thought storm was a special dog.

He had human like qualities such as communicating through a stick, judged if a load was too heavy or not,built mighty like a truck.


In the story a glory over everything, Harriet was said to have found out about the underground rail roads. explain what the underground rail roads are.

It is a system of houses that offer help to fugitives who went north to freedom.


From the story Storm, explain the theme of the story.

1.Friendship can be found in animals, Storm was always loyal and stood by Gary's side even after being retired ,he helped train puppies.

2.Dogs have personalities like humans do, Storm was strong and solid and he had great communication skills.

3.We can learn a lot from animals, Storm Thought Gary the true meaning of friendship and team work.

In the story a glory over everything, when Harriet escaped the second time after getting help from the white women, what events happened after Harriet reached the underground rail roads?

She travels during night and stops at houses during day.

she hides as a fake slave so no one would suspect her of running away.


In the story the land i lost, how did Lan get the crocodile to drag to the island?

Lan pretended to be dead so the crocodile dragged her to the island and went back into the water.


In the story the land i lost, explain why the narrator said Lan celebrated her wedding again as she came back from the dead.

Lan had gone through a traumatic phase and returned alive, so she felt she was given a second chance to live again.

In the story a glory over everything, Harriet wanted to pay the white women who befriended her and helped her,but she had no money. what did she give to the white women?

She gave her the patchwork quilt, the only beautiful object she has ever owned.


In the story Storm, Gary said Storm was brindle colored. what did he mean by brindle color?

Had gray or brown and streaked or spotted with a dark color.