Lasso rust
Reign boa
Uh man ewe el
Tazed handy
Taste and See
Zippy attitudes
The Beautitudes
Mare he hand shows if
Mary and Joseph
(DOUBLE POINTS) Gum hue neon
Geezes huff gnats heiress
Jesus of Nazareth
Luff urine him ease
Love your enemies
Cough he in doe knots
Coffee and Donuts
Tweet welp dis eye poles
The Twelve Disciples
Wah touring twine
Water into Wine
Hinge eases neigh ham
In Jesus Name
(DOUBLE POINTS) Cord shore art
Guard your heart
Nah pang hinge urge
Napping in Church
Thief on the cross
Bar teen grr heads he
Parting the Red Sea
Dow heard beak aim flash
The Word became flesh
Quince tooth huck inked hum
Keys to the Kingdom
Bye bowl shore gnaw link
Bible Journaling
Tag hoods him air hidden
The Good Samaritan
Gas tink how team huns
Casting out demons
Tall orders mice chef heard
The Lord is my Shephard
Hike and dual thinks true cry yeast
I can do all things through Christ
On har shore fodder hand mutter
Honor your father and mother