How are Grand Chapter officers selected?
What is Nominated/Elected and voted in
How are the undergraduate chapters designated?
What is Designated by the Greek Letters
The ______ Level
Composed of the Province boards of directors, Province officers, voting members in attendance at a Province Council and the chapters and alumni associations assigned to a Province
What is the Province Level
O noble ________ ______ _____, the pride of all our _______,
True ______, _______, thou ever dost impart,
What is Kappa Alpha Psi
What is hearts
What is manliness, fidelity
The source of our _______ and ______, and _________ thou art;
O noble Kappa Alpha Psi, from thee _______ ________ _______
What is delights and joys, and happiness
What document is essential to informed participation in the governing of the fraternity?
What is the Constitution: compilation of fundamental rules governing the Fraternity
Madisonville, Kentucky
(December 23, 1883 - November 8, 1947)
Enrolled at Howard University and Transferred to Indiana University in 1910
First Black Man to earn an A.B. Degree from Indiana University School of Education in 1916
Master's Degree from Howard University in 1944
First Lieutenant during World War I
Grand Polemarch for six years
Served as Grand Board Member and Grand Historian
First Laurel Wreath Recipient
The second highest award available to celebrate a member's achievements or service to the fraternity is dedicated in his name
Who is Elder Watson Diggs
The _______ Level
Composed of the chapter and alumni association boards of directors, chapter and alumni association officers and the voting members of the chapters and alumni associations
What is the Chapter Level
O noble Kappa Alpha Psi, from thee we'll never part
Now in the days of _______, of _______ and good _____
What is happiness, of pleasure and good cheer
I lift a ______ of joy and health to ______ _______ _______
To those who ______ and ________ and strove for thee in other years;
What is cup of joy and health to every member here;
What is To those who loved and toiled and strove for thee in other years;
How are Province Polemarchs selected?
New Albany, Indiana (April 9, 1891 - November 11, 1973)
Graduated from Indiana University in 1915 with the A.B. Degree
Received his D.D.S Degree from Indiana University Dental School in 1920
Practiced dentistry in Indianapolis for over 50 years
Served several terms as a non-voting member of the Grand Board of Directors
Served as Grand Historian for 16 years
Award named in his honor to undergraduate members who exhibit extra meritorious contributions to the Fraternity's advancement
Who is Guy Levis Grant
The _______ Level
Composed of the Grand Board of Directors, the elective national officers and voting members in attendance at a Grand Chapter meeting
I give full honor and revere, ______ _______ ________ _____,
I give full honor and revere, _______ ______ _______ _______,
What is I give full honor and revere, our noble Brother's dear
When all our student days are done, and we ______ ______ _____ _____
______ ______ ______ ______, love and sing thy praises o'er and o'er
Still we honor, love and sing thy praises o'er and o'er
What is the name of the current Grand Polemarch of Kappa Alpha Psi Inc?
Who is Jimmy McMikle
How are alumni chapters designated?
What is designated by the city
Is responsible for managing the affairs of the Fraternity and acts upon all fraternity matters
Who is the Grand Board of Directors
We'll _____ _____ ____, we'll _____ ____ ______, we'll all thy ways adore;
We'll long for thee and toil until we _____ ____ _____ ______
We'll long for thee and toil until we _____ ____ _____ ______
What is We'll liver for thee, we'll strive for thee. we'll all thy ways adore;
We'll long for thee and toil until we reach the Golden Shore,
We'll long for thee and toil until we reach the Golden Shore,
Recite your favorite line (s) from the Kappa Hymn
What is your favorite line
What are the Grand Chapter Positions
Grand Polemarch
Senior Grand Vice Polemarch
Junior Grand Vice Polemarch
Grand Keeper of Records
Grand Kepper of Exchequer
Grand Strategus
Grand Lt. Strategus
Grand Chapter Nominating Chairman
Grand Historian
Grand Board of Director, Alumni
Grand Board of Director, Alumni
Grand Board of Director, Alumni
Grand Board of Director, Undergraduate
Grand Board of Director, Undergraduate
Grand Board of Director, Undergraduate
Name the 12 Provinces of Kappa Alpha Psi Inc
What is:
South Western
Middle Eastern
East central
Describe the Kappa Alpha Psi Organizational Structure
What is the: Chapter Level, Province Level, and National Level
Recite the Kappa Hymn
O noble Kappa Alpha Psi, the pride of all our hearts,
True manliness, fidelity, thou ever dost impart;
The source of our delights and joys, and happiness thou art;
O noble Kappa Alpha Psi, from thee we’ll never part,
O noble Kappa Alpha Psi, from thee we’ll never part.
Now in the days of happiness, of pleasure and good cheer,
I lift a cup of joy and health to every member here;
To those who loved and toiled and strove for thee in other years;
I give full honor and revere, our noble Brothers dear,
I give full honor and revere, our noble Brothers dear.
When all our student days are done, and we from school must go,
Still we will honor, love and sing thy praises o’er and o’er.
We’ll live for thee, we’ll strive for thee, we’ll all thy ways adore;
We’ll long for thee and toil until we reach the Golden Shore,
We’ll long for thee and toil until we reach the Golden Shore.
Recite the Kappa Hymn
O noble Kappa Alpha Psi, the pride of all our hearts,
True manliness, fidelity, thou ever dost impart;
The source of our delights and joys, and happiness thou art;
O noble Kappa Alpha Psi, from thee we’ll never part,
O noble Kappa Alpha Psi, from thee we’ll never part.
Now in the days of happiness, of pleasure and good cheer,
I lift a cup of joy and health to every member here;
To those who loved and toiled and strove for thee in other years;
I give full honor and revere, our noble Brothers dear,
I give full honor and revere, our noble Brothers dear.
When all our student days are done, and we from school must go,
Still we will honor, love and sing thy praises o’er and o’er.
We’ll live for thee, we’ll strive for thee, we’ll all thy ways adore;
We’ll long for thee and toil until we reach the Golden Shore,
We’ll long for thee and toil until we reach the Golden Shore.