What is “Gospel” in Greek and Hebrew
Euangelion (Lesson 3 Pg 1) and Bisser
Where does the phrase “Go in Peace” first appear in the Bible
When Jethro tells Moses (L 2 Pg 4)
Jesus came to end the exile of the ___________________ from the bondage of sin
Jewish people (and all mankind) L1 P3
Exodus means ______________________
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for ___________________________.”
theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven L4,p2
What messages did Jesus preach in the Sermon on the Mount
Beatitudes L4
What does exile mean?
the state of being barred from one’s native country, typically for political or punitive reasons.
Do this in _______________________.
remembrance of me.
Sermon on the Mount
What does Gospel mean?
"good news" or "good tidings"
Holy things for _______________.
holy people.
What are the 3 events/names of genealogy listed in Mathew 1:17 to connect Jesus to the exile?
Abraham to David; David to Exile to Babylon; Exile to Messiah
What does beatitude mean?
Greek work makarios translates to "blessed - meaning having deep/lasting joy"
It’s easier for a camel to go through a ...
needle’s eye than for the rich to get into God’s kingdom.”
What is special about the cross in the Mar Thoma churches?
Empty cross to reflect a risen Christ who is victorious over death and who reigns with the father