The clan that Neji is from
What is Hyuga Clan
Killua's last name
The Father of Piccolo
King Piccolo
The name of the blast that Hollows use
What is Cero
The full name of Luffy's 2nd in command
Who is Roronora Zoro
The highest shinobi rank in the land of the mist
What is MizuKage
Who taught Gon and Killua nen
The name Yamcha's ki based move
Spirit ball
What does Ichigo's name mean in Japanese
The first appointed Warlord
Dracule Mihawk
Who did Temari fight in the preliminaries of the Chunin exams
Ten Ten
The nen type(s) that Kurapika has
What is Conjuration and Specialization
The 3rd Z-Fighter to die in the series
Who is Chiaotzu (self destruct in saiyan saga)
The hollow equivalent of flash step
What is Sonido
The name of slingshot Usopp uses post time-skip
The clan that possesses the Ice Release kekkei genkai
What is the Yuki clan
Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu
The name of Goku's mother
How full bringers are created
Their mothers are attacked by hollows while they are in the womb
Robin's alias that she is called by the world government
Devils Child
The name of the antagonist from ep 1 of Naruto
Who is Mizuki
The 13th Chairman of the Hunter Association
Pariston Hill
The wife of Tarble
Espada #9
Aaroniero Arruruerie
How often does Chopper bathe
Every 3 days