The long running animated show South Park takes place in this state.
The Grinch's loyal little dog is named this.
Before settling on the title “Friends” the famous 90's show went by this name.
Insomnia Cafe
According to Buddy the Elf, this is the best way to spread Christmas cheer.
Singing loud for all to hear.
The first toilet flush ever heard on American television occurred on this show.
All in the Family
In National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Clark Griswold hopes to buy one of these with his big Christmas bonus.
A pool.
Saturday Night Live debuted in this year.
In the heartwarming holiday movie Die Hard, Deputy Chief Dwayne T. Robinson of the LAPD mentions that for all they know, Bruce Willis's John McClane could be this, an inside reference to the actor's previous profession.
A bartender.
On the television show The Office, a heaping helping of this Pennsylvania specialty makes Michael Scott fall asleep after lunch.
Chicken Pot Pie
This 2003 holiday crime comedy was John Ritter's last live action movie, and was dedicated in his memory.
Bad Santa