Banner screens
What from?

what banner screen can you see a student's attempted hours?



An Undergraduate spring transfer student wants to take out a loan, What form does the student need to complete in order to start this process?

Spring 2025 Federal Direct Student Loan Request for Undergraduates or Teacher Certification


What is needed for the scenario...

-Purchased a home in Tennessee

Tennessee Homeowner: 

  • TN DL* 

  • Tax return showing no one out of state claimed them on recent return 

  • Property deed/closing statement/mortgage statement of home 


Proof of Citizenship

 To meet this requirement, student can take their ORIGINAL citizenship documentation to the MT One Stop to be copied by a member of the MT One Stop staff.  If they are unable to visit the MT One Stop, they can access the required form.  The form must be presented to a notary along with your ORIGINAL citizenship documentation. MAIL the notarized form with a clear copy of your original citizenship documentation and a clear copy of the government-issued photo ID presented to the notary.  Citizenship documents that include signature sections (such as a U.S. Passport, Certificate of Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization, etc.) must be SIGNED copies and must be signed in the designated area to be valid.  The address is included on the form.  A faxed or emailed copy is NOT acceptable.


What is the priority deadline for fall residency applications?

what is Aug 1st


On banner how can you view what is needed for the  requirement? (hint it's one button)

what is selecting the requirement code, then hitting F9.


Dexter just received a grade for a flight lab for a flight he previously had an I -grade for, Dexter was previously receiving the Hope Lottery scholarship. What form does Dexter need to complete?

what is the Tennessee Lottery Grade Change Form.


Honey is a verified out of State student, Honey's parents are divorced and honey lives with her mom who is a Tennessee resident. However, Honeys dad (who lives in GA) has claimed her on his previous 2023 1040. Can honey be considered for in-state and if so how?

Yes, Honey will need 

  • TN DL of parent in state

  • Tax return showing no one out of state claimed them on recent return, AND

    • Birth certificate showing connection to TN resident if tax return shows the out-of-state parent claims the student 


Grants & Scholarship

Your 2025-26 FAFSA indicated that you and/or your spouse (as in the student) (if applicable) reported grants and scholarships as income.  To verify the amount reported as income on your 2023 U.S. Federal Tax Return, complete the Grant and Scholarship Form and submit required documentation.


what is the deadline for a student to turn it in a complete residency application?



What Screen can you see a student's budget?



Arnetta is a last semester senior receiving the presidential scholarship however will not be able to be full-time, What form does Arnetta need to do?

Institutional Scholarship Appeal Form


* daily double*What is needed for the scenario...

Moved to Tennessee and lived in the state for one (1) year without enrolling in any postsecondary institution OR lived in the state and worked full-time (30 hours per week or more) for eight (8) months prior to enrollment

Worked in TN Full-Time for 8 Months: 

  • TN DL 

  • Tax return showing no one out of state claimed them on recent return 

  • Letter from employer verifying full-time status and start date of employment 


Lived in TN for 1 Year before enrolling: 

TN DL more than 1 year old, or

  • Lease or employment letter verifying one year in TN and TN DL if it is not a year old 

  • Tax return showing no one out of state claimed them on recent return 



Verficiation of Foreign Income - Parent

Student's parent(s) have reported that they earned foreign income in the 2023 tax year. Student  and their parent(s) must complete the 2025-2026 Parent Foreign Income Exclusion and Foreign Tax Return form and provide the applicable documentation. This form must be electronically signed by both student and their parent.


What is the absolute last day a student can take out a loan?

Last day of term


What Banner Screen will show a student's Attendance?



Eugene wants to take a class he previously passed. What form is needed?

Non-Release of Directory Information form


* daily double* What is needed for the Part-Time/Full-Time Program 1 & 2 term?

Semester 1 

  • Part-Time/Full-Time Application 

  • Dated letter from employer indicating start date and that the student is working approximately 30 hours weekly with signature and contact information OR business card 

  • Proof of address (TNDL, Lease, On-Campus Housing) 


Semester 2 

  • Dated letter from employer indicating start date and that the student is working approximately 30 hours weekly with signature and contact information OR business card 

  • Proof of address (TNDL, Lease, On-Campus Housing- can be the same from previous term if dates are still applicable) 


NF Not Low Income

Student's parent has indicated on FAFSA that they did not file a U.S. Tax Return for reasons other than low income. Student and their parent will need to submit this form to explain the reasons for not filing a 2023 U.S. Tax Return.


* daily double* What dates Can we start accepting the public higher education discount form for fall spring and summer?

Fall- July 1st 

Spring- October 1st

Summer- August 1st 


What screen shows you Bursar’s Office memos?



Adeline does not want her information public/shared. What form does she complete?

Non-Release of Directory Information form


What is needed for Academic Common Market (ACM)?

  1. Student completes the ACM Agreement Form at  

  2. We then generate the Admissions letter that will be requested by their home state. This letter is emailed to the student AND their home state coordinator (except for VA and GA).  

  3. The student MUST complete the home state certification side as well. Links to each state requirement are online here.  

  4. Once the home state approves, they send us a Letter of Verification for the student (many also will copy the student on the email).  

  5. We’ll then process the student as ACM in Banner which changes their fee rate to in-state. However, they will always see “out-of-state” in Pipeline since they are receiving a fee rate change, not a residency classification change. 



Unusual Enrollment History

The NSLDS match performed through the FAFSA application process identified the student as having an unusual enrollment history. You are ineligible for aid. To appeal, The student must submit the Unusual Enrollment History Appeal Form. As part of this appeal, you must EXPLAIN and DOCUMENT extenuating circumstances that prevented you from earning any academic credit at one or more of your previous institutions during the past three award years.


When does late registration for the fall start?

August 25th, the 1st day of classes.