+ and - Decimals
multiply and divide Fractions
Long Multiplication and Division
+ and - Fractions
multiply and divide Decimals

There was a doordasher picking up orders downtown. Patricia, Alex, Jax, and Nick all ordered food. 

Patricia's meal cost $2.10

Alex's meal cost $7.10

Jax's meal cost $5.10

Nick's meal cost $7.10

How much was the total order?

What is, $20.40


Micaela has 6/15 of a case of candy. She splits the case between 2 friends. How much of the case does each friend get?

6/30 of the case or 3/10


Bobby has 425 sheets of paper and separates them into 3 groups. How many sheets are in each group of papers?

141 r 1


Kayla has 7/5 of a container of slime, and Micaela buys another 9/10 of a container. How much total slime do they have?

23/10 or 2 3/10


Luke the cat wants to buy 8 fish costing 10.55 each. How much money does the cat need?



Mrs. Jami ran 2.18 miles but her goal was 4 miles. How far was she from her goal?

1.82 miles


Jame has 3/5 of a case of water balloons to split between 4 friends. How much of the case does each friend get?

3/20 of a case


A droid has 1,085 parts. Each part weighs 52kg. How much do all the parts of the droid weigh together?

56,420 kg


Mr. Burns is making a cake for the fair with 1/2 cup of flour, 6/4 cup sugar, and 1 cup of eggs. How what is the total amount of ingredients Mr. Burns adds?

3 cups


Bob the Frog went to a restaurant for a plate of flies. If the plate came with 5 flies and his bill was 9.75 how much was each fly?

1.95 each


There was a marathon at school. If Sam ran 1.1 miles, Tina ran 3.46 miles, Kora ran 5.62 miles and Janet ran 7.89 miles. What was the team's total distance? How close were they to hitting 20 miles?

1.93 miles away from 20 miles


Micaela has 6/10 of an apple. Kayla's apple is 2 times bigger then Micaela's. How much apple does Kayla have?

1 and 2/10 Micaelas apple 


There are 3,050 whales swimming together. If they form into 50 groups and leave, how many whales will be in each group?

61 whales per group


A rich guy finds chests full of gold. His wifes takes 2/5 of ta gold chest and he takes 9/10 of a chest. How much total gold did they take?

13/10 or 1 3/10 chests


A boy wants to buy some toy cars. Each car costs 4.50. How much money does he need to buy 5 cars?



Brian ran 1.98 miles from a minion while his friend Mark ran 11.67 miles away from a unicorn. How much farther did Brian run?

9.69 miles


Spongebob has 9/10 of a Krabby Patty and splits it between 3 friends equally.  How much crabby patty does each friend get?

3/10 of a patty or 9/30


A Golem has 25 rows of gold and 5,026 columns of gold. How much gold does the Golem have total?



A scuba diver catalogs animals during one of his dives. Out of the total amount of animals he saw, 6/8 were sharks and 7/16 were fish. Which did he see more of, sharks or fish?



Tom the cow is at Wal-Mart to buy chips and 6 pints of juice. If the chips cost 6.99 and each pint costs 15.99 how much does tom pay?



Winter had 5.25 cookies before Isaac took 2.1 cookies from Winter. Mrs. Jami took another 2.1 cookies. How much cookie does Winter have left for snack?



Mrs. Jami's Corgis like to dig up 1/8 of her garden every Spring. If she lives in the same house for 13 years, how much garden will they dig up?

13/8 or 1 5/8


A magical unicorn has 50 rainbows. If each rainbow contains 5,999 particles, how many particles does the unicorn have all together?

299,950 particles


Minya is making a shiny project at school. She covers 4/5 of the project in glitter and 1/10 in sequins. How much of the project is not covered in shiny material?



A star named Elvis wants to eat some star dust. The star dust comes with 9 dust bits on each plate costing 5.73. If Elvis buys 6 plates how much does his bill cost in total and how many pieces of star dust does he eat?

34.38 and 54 plate