This is the only number that has the same number of letters as its meaning.
What is 4?
C = 2πr
What is the circumference of a circle?
The Cartesian coordinate plane (also known as the xy-coordinate plane) was named after this famous philosopher.
Who is René Descartes?
This is the set of all points that are a given distance from another point.
What is a circle?
This is Daniel Craig's first movie as a famous spy, in which he travels to Montenegro to challenge a terrorist to a game of Texas Hold 'Em.
What is Casino Royale?
π, e, and 21/2 are all examples of this type of number.
What is an irrational number?
SA = 4πr2
What is the surface area of a sphere?
The five Platonic solids are the tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and this solid.
What is the icosahedron?
Given a set of quantitative data, this quantity is the average distance of each data point from the mean.
What is the standard deviation?
Robert Redford and Paul Newman attempt to con a con artist (played by Robert Shaw) in Chicago in 1936.
What is The Sting?
This is the highest prime number that is less than 1,000.
What is 997?
V = πr2h
What is the volume of a cylinder?
This is the highest possible number to write in Roman numerals.
What is 3,999/MMMCMXCIX?
This type of number can be expressed as a fraction of integers in which the denominator is not equal to zero.
What is a rational number?
Three brilliant women (played by Octavia Spencer, Taraji P. Henson, and Janelle Monáe) serve on an early NASA mission to launch John Glenn (played by Glen Powell) into space.
What is Hidden Figures?
If the sum of the digits of an integer a equals an integer b, then a is divisible by b. This number is b.
What is 9?
T = 2π(L/g)1/2
What is the period of a pendulum?
Albert Einstein was believed to have this learning disability.
What is dyslexia?
This type of statement is never true.
What is a contradiction?
In this movie, Edward G. Robinson says to Steve McQueen, "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around, you're only second best."
What is The Cincinnati Kid?
This sequence (xn) is equal to xn+1 = xn + xn-1, where x1 = x2 = 1.
What is the Fibonacci sequence?
A = πab
What is the area of an ellipse (with semi-major axis length a and semi-minor axis length b)?
Albert Einstein proposed the existence of black holes in 1915, but the first image of a black hole was not taken until this year.
What is 2017?
This type of quantity possesses both magnitude and direction and can also be expressed as a type of matrix.
What is a vector?
Daniel Day-Lewis plays a famous United States President who, when studying to be a lawyer, learned about logical reasoning by reading The Elements by Euclid.
What is Lincoln?