Most surviving music from this era comes from the Catholic Church for this reason.
What is record keeping?
This term is used to describe a song with no repeating parts.
What is through-composed?
A popular Hawaiian dance.
What is Hula?
This invention led to a commercial purpose for music.
What is the printing press?
Who is Krzysztof Penderecki?
This technique is the earliest harmonic practice, which went through many evolutions throughout the years.
What is organum?
A composition technique where each voice follows the same melody while making some small deviations.
What is heterophobic?
This style of music, formerly sung by enslaved people in America, was popularized in the 1800s by the Fisk Jubilee singers.
What is a spiritual?
This cranky old man from the late 1500s wrote a book named after himself criticizing the younger composers of his time.
Who was Giovanni Maria Artusi?
This John Cage piece makes use of complete silence.
What is 4'33"
This nun/composer from 1000s Germany wrote the drama Ordo Virtutum.
Who is Hildegard von Bingen?
This composition technique used one single voice with basso continuo accompaniment.
What is monody?
This type of song from the 1500s gives equal importance to each voice, making it a popular genre among the leisure class.
What is a Madrigal?
This type of score uses illustrations or something other than notation to show how the music should be played.
What is a graphic score?
This art movement focuses on pushing the boundaries of what can be considered music.
What is the avant-garde?
These people were medieval performers of secular music.
Who are troubadours?
This plainchant performance technique uses a soloist followed by the entire choir.
What is responsorial?
This slow dance from the 1500s was typically followed by a faster dance, the galliard.
What is the pavane?
Monteverdi coined this term for a book he never wrote in a response to a critic.
What is seconda practica?
This composer used new and creative piano techniques in his piece "The Banshee", among other compositions.
This female composer wrote "A Chantar", an early love song.
This Ars Nova composition technique uses a reoccurring melody (color) and reoccurring rhythm (talea) to make new patterns.
What is isorhythm?
This dance was popular among enslaved African Americans.
What is the Juba dance?
This text is the oldest surviving record of the idea of harmony we have.
What is the Musica Enchiriadis?
This composer from the early 1900s took old spirituals and arranged them for choirs.
Who was Nathaniel Dett?