Theories & Concepts
Non-Western Music

This theory states that we seek a positive social identity, which often includes liking the music of those around us.

What is the Social Identity Theory?


This type of music is a blending of two or more different styles together.

What is crossover or fusion?


This tradition is how folk music has been passed from generation to generation.

What is an aural tradition?


This artist campaigned for the rights of incarcerated individuals.

Who is Johnny Cash?


This moment of awe is sometimes experienced by people who are fully immersed in an experience, such as an EDM concert.

What is a peak experience?

A great deal of Latin American music is created for this activity.

What is dancing?


This texture describes most folk music - one main melody plus accompanying harmonies.

What is homophonic?


From the 1960s and 1970s, this type of country music artist pushed boundaries of decency and subject matter in their songs and fought for an identity outside the popular Nashville country identity.

What is the country outlaw character?


This theory states that the body's motor and sensory systems are involved or integrated with cognitive processes.

What is embodied cognition?


These are sung words or syllables that carry no specific meaning.

What are vocables?


Provide ONE EXAMPLE of a US folk artist mentioned in this chapter.

Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, or Woody Guthrie, Simon & Garfunkel


This Nashville, TN venue is responsible for helping propel many artists' careers and spreading country music across the nation.

What is the Grand Ole Opry?


This theory states that all art is an expression of conscious and subconscious intellectual, emotional, or imagined experiences.

What is the Expressive Theory of Art?


This Indonesian ensemble is made of percussion instruments.

What is gamelan?


This artist was a protest singer who sang for civil rights, migrant worker rights, unions, and anti-fascism.

Who was Pete Seeger?


This allowed country music to migrate from more localized areas to cities across the country.

What is radio broadcasting?


This concept states that repeated exposure to a stimulus increases perceptual fluency, the ease with which a stimulus can be processed.

What is the mere exposure effect?


These are rhythmic cells used as the basis of Indian music.

What are tala?


This traditional American folk song has roots in both late 19th/early 20th century slave songs and a centuries-old Catholic hymn melody.

What is "We Shall Overcome"?


This artist had a solo career, as well as a career with her sisters. She was also married to Johnny Cash.

Who was June Carter?