What was the original name of Stalin?
What was the first territory added to the USSR at the start of WWII?
When did a major famine happen during this period?
Name a famous composer that was allowed to perform again during the Thaw.
Which country did the USSR invade in 1968?
Who was the last opponent of Stalin on his rise to power?
How many Soviet citizens were lost in WWII?
about 26 million
When was the pre-war level of industrial production reached?
Made a seven-year plan
Who was in charge of the economic reforms of 1965?
the first
The start of which military conflict during WWII made it possible for the USSR to send troops from the Far East to the Western front?
Japanese attack on the USA
A political process against party leaders in Leningrad who were becoming more independent
Which invention made possible a direct attack on the USA?
Long range ballistic missiles
When did the USSR invade Afganistan?
By which year was collectivisation mostly completed?
What was the name of the agreement that allowed the USSR to get military equipment and other goods from the USA?
Name two political processes targeted against Jewish intelligentsia
What happened to religion during this time?
Large pro-atheism campaigns, closure of churches
Name a foreign policy that restricted the independence of the Soviet bloc countries during large threats to the Communist system?
the Brezhnev doctrine
Complete the quote: "either perish or _________________ the advanced countries"
overtake and outstrip
When were the last German troops expelled from the Soviet territory?
August 1944
Name two authors who were heavily criticised and banned from publication in 1946
Akhmatova and Zoschshenko
What kind of agreement did the USA, Britain and the USSR sign in 1963?
a ban on nuclear trials under water and underground
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