"Harry potter is the best anime"
Who is Lucas?
Purple with a Beanie
Who is Andre?
This shout is often heard when a team's beaters are lacking the possession of bludgers.
What is No Beater?
Lily Potter saved Harry's life using a "sacrificial protection counter-charm" a powerful old form of magic that is powered by this energy.
What is Love?
Whoops, it's a challenge!
Without leaving the room you are currently in, call your family pet to come to you.
The team with the most pets wins half of their current total points.
"Look, it's not my fault I'm a tall hobbit.
It's a generic mutation"
Who is Bjorn?
Yellow with Round Animal Ears
Who is Katie?
This phrase refers to a player pushing through the opposing defense.
Hagrid's dear friend Aragog, a large and family-loving spider is a member of this fantasy species.
What is an Acromantula?
Pickles and Peanut Butter
Who is Miro?
"Darren u don't get to participate in Harry Potter memes until you've at least watched them"
Who is Zoe?
Green with a Cowboy Hat
This declaration shouted by the Head Referee signals that the players may begin a match.
What is Brooms up?
Rufus Scrimgeour, Pius Thicknesse, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Hermione Granger all shared this title.
What is the Minister for Magic?
Appelmoes and Mashed Potatoes
Who is Sybe?
"I don't really remember but I think it's sorta like ww2 but with animals"
Who is Hayley?
Whoops, It's a dual to the Death!
Connect four!
This kind of pass is for shorter distances between players.
What is a Dish-pass? (Push-pass)
This incantation was used in a dueling match by the infamous Gilderoy Lockhart to send a snake flying into the air.
What is Alarte Ascendare (or Volate Ascendare)
PBJ + Tomato Soup
Who is Brenna?
"My power grows stronger by the minute... wasted"
Who is Aidan?
Red with a Sherrif Hat
When a person is returning to their hoops after being hit they are considered this.
What is Off Broom?
In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, this character the daughter of Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange plays the role of antagonist to Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy.
Who is Delphini Diggory?
Wendy's Frostys and French Fries
Who is Hayley?