Mexican Food
Mexican Traditions
Music Language
Mexican Music
Mexican Parent Expectations

A Mexican sauce made with chiles, spices, nuts, and other various ingredients 

(hint: bittersweet)

What is mole?


A container, often handmade, is broken as part of a celebration.

What is a pinata?


Slang word and expression to indicate that danger is near

What is aguas?


"Compa, que le parece esa morra la..."

What is "que andaba bailando sola me qusta para mi"?


The three most common careers that Mexican parents want their children to have

What is a lawyer, doctor, or engineer?

Two main sides in Mexican meals

What is rice and beans?


El Grito de Dolores is on what month and day

What is September 16?


Spanish word for a tacky guy

What is naco?


"Si en mi no encontraste felicidad, tal vez alguien mas te la dara..."

What is "como la flor"?


Parents do not understand how hard and challenging college is. They expect us to have...

What is good grade, especailly A's?


This hot sauce is NOT Mexican at all but is known to be a Mexican sauce

What is Tapatio?


Religious holiday that commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What is Semana Santa and Pascua?


Spanish phrase for "You think you're something special?"

What is "Te crees muy muy"?


"Que pasa mi amigo lo miro aguitado..."

What is "mi novia se fue y solo me a dejado"?


Being the oldest daughter is very difficult because we are forced to give up most of our childhood...

What is to try to raise and take care of our younger siblings?


(ORIGINALLY) Natives made sacrifices of human flesh, and it was eaten on special occasions. After the Spanish arrived and cannibalism was banned, the human flesh was replaced with pork.

What is pozole?


Traditional Mexican folk music, performed by a small group of musicians. They are very popular at Latino weddings.

What is Mariachi?


Finish this dicho, "Más vale ser cabeza de ratón que..."

What is "cola de león"?

It’s better to be the leader of a little group than to be the least remarkable in a big group. Mexican proverbs like this inspire you to concentrate on being good wherever you are, instead of always looking to be part of something big.


"Si supieras como quisiera agarrar tus manos..."

What is "y llevarte a las estrellas"?


Our immigrant parents work so hard for us, so we want to show them that all their...

What is sacrifices are worth it?


Started as a savory donut from China known as youtiao, before Portuguese sailors brought them home where they spread to Spain, Europe, and, eventually, Mexico. (Maybe a staple for fairgrounds, Disneyland, and Cherry Auction)

What is churros?


A dance where a person acts like an animal on the floor (dance from Guerrero)

What is the baile de la iguana?


Finish el dicho, "Camarón que se duerme,..."

What is "se lo lleva la corriente"?

This saying is much more creative than our English version, “You snooze, you lose.” 

Stay alert or else circumstances will overwhelm you.


"Pero la culpa es mia, por mi ironia..."

What is "proque un amigo dijo que me apostaba su viva a que tu me enganarias"?