Gadhada l-1
Bhagwan ni murti chhe ...
Bhagwan ni murti chhe te to chintamani tulya chhe.
Recite Shloaks 64-65
Uttishtha Sahajananda Shri-Hare Purushottama
Gunatita'kshara Brahmann-uttishtha krupaya guro
Agamyatam hi pujartham agamyatam mad-atmataha
Sannidhyad dharshand divyat saubhagyam vardhate mama.
Shlokas 64 -65 Ahvan Mantra
Ahvana-mantrash-chaivam vidhaha: ...
Ahvana-mantrash-chaivam vidhaha:
Uttishtha Sahajananda Shri-Hare Purushottama
Gunatita'kshara Brahmann-uttishtha krupaya guro
Agamyatam hi pujartham agamyatam mad-atmataha
Sannidhyad dharshand divyat saubhagyam vardhate mama.
Why do we say the Ahvan mantra?
We say the Ahvan mantra so Maharaj and swami can come to our pujas.
Vato 5.388
Dahya hoy the vandhe ...
Dahya hoy the vandhe tyare raji thay ne murakh hoy tene vakhane tyare raji thay em Maharaj kaheta.
Gadhada l-1 Meaning
The form of God...
The form of God is like a chintamani.
Shloak 96
Aksharadhipati Swaminarayan Bhagwan ...
Aksharadhipati Swaminarayan Bhagwan sakshad Parabrahma Purushottam Hari chhe.
Shakola 96
Swaminarayanah shkshad- Aksharadhipatir-Harihi ...
Swaminarayanah shkshad- Aksharadhipatir-Harihi
Paramatma Parabrahma Bhagwan Purushottamaha.
Finish the meaning
Swaminarayan Bhagwan the sovereign ...
Swaminarayan Bhagwan the sovereign of Akshar, is the manifest form of Paramatma Parabrahma Purushottam Hari.
Vato 5.388 Meaning
Maharaj used to say one who ...
Maharaj used to say one who is wise is pleased when rebuked by Maharaj and his holy Sadhu, while the foolish is pleased when praised.
Karyani 11
Jene Bhagwan ne vishe ...
Jene Bhagwan ne vishe priti hoy te Bhagwan ni agna koi kale lope nahi.
Shloak 25
Athi sarva arthni siddi ...
Athi sarva arthni siddi kare tatha Paramatmano
Anubhav karave tevapratyaksh Aksharbrahma guruno asharo sadhay karavo.
Shloka 25
Atah samashrayen-nityam pratyaksham Akaram gurum ...
Atah samashrayen-nityam pratyaksham Akaram gurum
Sarva-siddi-karam divyam Paramatma'nubhavakam
Finish the meaning
Therefore, one should always take ...
Therefore, one should always take the refuge of the manifest Aksharbrahman guru, who enables one to attain all objectives and experience Paramatma.
Karyani 11 Meaning
A person who has affection...
A person who has affection for God would never disobey God's command.
Shloak 24
Brahmaswarup guru vina ...
Brahmaswarup guru vina yathartha bhakti pan na thai shake
param anandniprapti na thay ane trividh tapano nash pan na thay.
Shloka 24
Naiva'pi tattvato bhakti paramananda-prapanam ...
Naiva'pi tattvato bhakti paramananda-prapanam
Na'pi trividha-tapanam nasho Brahma-gurum vina
Finish the meaning
Without the Brahmaswarup guru ...
Without the Brahmaswarup guru, perfect devotion also cannot be offered, ultimate bliss cannot be attained and the three types of misery also cannot be eradicated.
Recite Shloak 73
Bhaktyaiva divya-bhavena puja the samanushthita
Gachchha'tha tvam mad-atmanam Akshara-Purushottama.
Shloka 73 Punarvathi shloak
Punar-agamana-mantrasg-chaivam vidhaha: ...
Punar-agamana-mantrasg-chaivam vidhaha:
Bhaktyaiva divya-bhavena puja the samanushthita
Gachchha'tha tvam mad-atmanam Akshara-Purushottama.
Why do we say the Punarvathi mantra?
So Maharaj and swami can some to our pujas tomorrow and he can return to Akshardham.