Historical Context

Who is the main character in the movie Mulan?

Fa Mulan ? 


What is the main goal Mulan sets out to achieve?

The main goal Mulan sets out to achieve is to save her father from having to go to war, as he is too old and frail.


What theme of Mulan is about following your heart?

A theme of Mulan about following your heart is depicted through Mulan's decision to defy convention and follow her instincts to protect her family.


What animal is Mushu in the movie, and what does he symbolize?

 Mushu is a dragon in the movie, symbolizing Mulan's guardian spirit, her connection to her ancestors, and a source of guidance and comic relief.


What dynasty does Mulan take place in?

Mulan takes place during the Han Dynasty in China.


Name one of Mulan's friends who joins the army with her.

One of Mulan's friends who joins the army with her is Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po.


Describe a challenge Mulan faces during her training in the army.

A challenge Mulan faces during her training in the army is that she struggles to keep up with the physical demands and the expectations of her fellow soldiers.


Name a theme in Mulan related to bravery.

A theme related to bravery in Mulan is shown through Mulan's courage to face danger, fight for what she believes in, and stand up against injustice.


What is the significance of the sword Mulan receives from her father?

 The sword Mulan receives from her father symbolizes her family's honor, strength, and the responsibility she carries to protect them.


How does Mulan reflect the values of Chinese society during that time?

Mulan reflects the values of Chinese society during that time by showcasing themes of honor, loyalty, filial piety, and the importance of family.


What is the name of the mentor figure Mulan meets during her journey?

The mentor figure Mulan meets during her journey is Li Shang.


How does Mulan save China from the invading Huns?

Mulan saves China from the invading Huns by using her intelligence and bravery to thwart their plans and ultimately defeat their leader, Shan Yu.


 How does Mulan defy traditional gender roles in the movie?

Mulan defies traditional gender roles in the movie by disguising herself as a man to join the army, showcasing that women can be just as capable and brave as men.


How does Mulan's hair symbolize her identity in the movie?

Mulan's hair symbolizes her identity as a woman in the movie, especially when she cuts it off before joining the army, signifying her sacrifice and determination.


Name a historical figure or event referenced in Mulan.

 A historical figure referenced in Mulan is the famous poet and scholar Li Bai, who is depicted briefly in the movie.


How does Mushu help Mulan throughout the movie?

Mushu helps Mulan throughout the movie by acting as her guardian dragon, providing comic relief, and ultimately aiding her in her quest to save China.


What lesson does Mulan learn about being true to herself?

Mulan learns the lesson of being true to herself by realizing that she can be strong and capable as a woman, without needing to conform to traditional gender roles.


 Explain how Mulan's theme of identity is portrayed throughout the film.

Mulan's theme of identity is portrayed throughout the film as she grapples with who she is expected to be versus who she truly is, finding her strength and courage in embracing her true self.


Discuss the symbolism of the phoenix in Mulan.

The phoenix in Mulan symbolizes Mulan's resilience, rebirth, and the idea of rising from the ashes stronger than before.


Discuss the role of the Emperor in the historical context of Mulan.

 The Emperor in Mulan represents the ultimate authority and leadership in Chinese society, highlighting the importance of his role in protecting the kingdom.


Why does Mulan decide to join the army disguised as a man?

Mulan decides to join the army disguised as a man to take her elderly father's place, as he is too old and frail to fight. She also wants to protect her family's honor.


Explain the significance of the matchmaker scene in Mulan's story.

The matchmaker scene in Mulan's story is significant because it sets the stage for Mulan's journey of self-discovery. It shows her defiance of traditional expectations and her struggle to fit into the mold society has set for her.


 Discuss the theme of family honor in Mulan and its impact on the story.

The theme of family honor in Mulan is significant as Mulan's actions are driven by her desire to protect her family's honor, even if it means risking her own life.


Explain the importance of Mulan's reflection in the movie as a symbol.

Mulan's reflection in the movie is an important symbol of her inner struggle, her dual identity as both Mulan the daughter and Hua Jun the soldier, and her journey towards self-acceptance.


How does Mulan emphasize the importance of loyalty in Chinese culture?

Mulan emphasizes the importance of loyalty in Chinese culture through Mulan's unwavering commitment to her family, her comrades in the army, and her duty to her country. This loyalty is seen as a core virtue and a source of strength throughout the story.