Cross Contractuals
Peripherally Equity
Grab Bag

This Staff person gets all our Media questions

Who is Dragica Dabo?


Council (usually) meets on this weekday each month

What is Tuesday?


Someone who negotiates on behalf of an individual member for a fee

What is an agent (or a manager) ?


This was a regional contract that is rarely used now, based in Louisiana

What is NOLA or New Orleans Louisiana Agreement?


When a stage has a slight incline its called

What is a raked stage? (Or an inclined playing surface)


This, now defunct, committee used to govern all aspects of principal auditions

What is EPA (Equity Principal Auditions) committee?


This is the next in line to chair a council meeting if the president is not available

Who is the 1st Vice President?


This is when the wages and/or terms of one actor’s contract cannot be less than that of other cast members.

What is (most) favored nations?


This agreement is administered by the Production contract for a NYC organization that does revivals of Musicals for short runs

What is City Center Encores?


The legal obligation on the part of the union, as exclusive representative of a bargaining unit, to represent all of the employees, members and non-members alike, fairly without discrimination, obvious negligence, or through arbitrary or capricious decisions

What is Duty of Fair Representation, or DFR?


This is a new committee that focuses on the concerns and issues relating to our members who play instruments

What is the Actor/Instrumentalist Committee?


Where you upload your CARs

What is the Governance Support Doc site?


When someone chooses to leave a contract outside of the terms, this can sometimes be a way to ease the waters

What is a mutual termination?


This title of a contract can only be used by certain bargaining partners who have negotiated specific terms for short, development projects- the name of it causes some confusion

What is the Stage Reading Contract?


What NAGBOR stands for

What is Net Adjusted Gross Box Office Receipts


This committee makes recommendations, and has "advisory" in its title

What is ACCA (Advisory Committee on Chorus Affairs)?


This is when a councilor makes a motion to vote on whether to vote

What is to call to question?


The plan that producers have to make regarding common diseases that may occur within their organization

What are Infection Control protocols/policies?


When Equity generates the terms of the agreement. 

What is promulgation?


This regional contract started its life as a code

What is 99 Seat?


We send our cross contractual memos to these places (name 5) 

What are- SM Committee, ACCA, Media, International Actors, Actor/Instrumentalist, Principal, Safe and Sanitary, EEO, Committee to Prevent Harassment?


The deadline when questions or comments about a Special Order of Business must have been received by

What is the Thursday prior to the council meeting?


Lots of people accused Equity of requiring this during the start of the return to theatre

What is a covid vaccination


This contract covers live events where the primary purpose is to promote, either directly or indirectly, a product or service. 

What is Business Theatre and Events?


Formed in 1899 this craft union for actors in Yiddish theater in the United States was the first actors' union in the United States

What is the Hebrew Actors' Union