The first textbook in American education.
What is The New England Primer?
Who is Horace Mann?
These schools were designed for preadolecents to prepare them for high school, beginning in 1909 and continuing to present day.
What is Junior High or Middle School?
The most common teaching device in colonial schools, this item was an alphabet sheet covered by a thin, transparent sheet made from a cow horn.
What is a hornbook?
This American labor leader organized unions that demanded an education that included culture-free IQ tests, instruction in Spanish, and smaller class sizes.
Who is Cesar Chavez?
These schools were opened in 1830 and intended to bring greater fairness to education. They were free and open to all social classes.
What is Common Schools?
The first Native American newspaper, it was created thanks to the development of the Cherokee syllabary.
What is the Cherokee Phoenix?
This person founded the first kindergarten to cultivate the child's development and socialization.
Who is Friedrech Froebel?
What is a Dame School?
Before writing the American Dictionary, Noah Webster wrote this book, which replaced the New England Primer in many elementary schools.
What is the American Spelling Book?
This person was an educator and reformer, the first president and principal developer of Tuskegee University.
Who is Booker T Washington?
Starting in 1991 these schools are tax-supported elementary and secondary schools free from some of the rules and regulations that apply to other public schools.
What is a Charter School?