Bloods, Bullies, and Bad News
The Model Minority
Faith Facts
Gender Benders
Value City
This gang wore white robes to scare their victims into believing they were Confederate ghosts.
What is the KKK? (Ku Klux Klan)
The outdated, “politically incorrect” term for this group.
What is "Oriental"?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY ($200)!!! Founded on Five Pillars of Faith, this growing faith whose name means “Submission to the Will of God” has 9 million people in the U.S.
What is Islam?
100: The 19th amendment finally allowed women to do this in 1920.
What is vote?
100: Teachers who value diversity have a “difference orientation” rather than this more negative viewpoint about their students, which also starts with a D!
What is “deficiency orientation”?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY ($400)!!! This art form, "the newspaper of the streets," often signals gang territory.
What is graffiti?
The largest group of Asian Americans claim ancestry in this country.
What is China?
200: This is the number of principles upon which Kwanzaa—a spiritual but non-religious holiday of African American culture—was built.
What is 7?
Stereotypes of girls include Girlies, Nice Girls, Spice Girls, and these.
What are Tomboys?
Migrant workers, who value hard work and family relationships, come to the U.S. to earn money for their families back home in this country, where most migrant workers are from.
What is Mexico?
If you were a member of the Crips, you’d wear a bandana of this color.
What is blue?
The depth of this Japanese custom shows your respect.
What is a bow?
It is because of the connections to pagan origins that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not do this.
What is celebrate holidays / birthdays?
In middle school, boys are more likely to use physical attacks as their bullying tactic, whereas girls tend to bully in this way.
What is verbally harass / ostracize / spread rumors / cyber bullying?
This American culture values the oral tradition of communicating, learning, and passing on history face-to-face.
What is the Native American culture? - or - What is the African American culture?
This teachers’ practice--a basic urban pedagogy that encompasses a body of specific strategies limited to asking questions, giving directions, making assignments, and monitoring seatwork--can cause students to become so alienated that they seek the belonging they find in gangs.
What is Pedagogy of Poverty?
This country's film industry is called Bollywood because it produces more movies than Hollywood.
What is India?
This popular Asian faith, which is more accurately described as a way of life, forbids the eating of the flesh of the sacred cow.
What is Hinduism?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY ($800)!!! This is the name for the perceived but not often acknowledged upper limit for women and minorities.
What is the "glass ceiling"?
400: These things, known collectively as OSF, can significantly limit student achievement in spite of the most caring teachers; this is why educational reform must pay attention to the effects of poverty.
What are Out-of-School Factors?
500: This creator of Kwanzaa was reported to have perpetuated a Black gang war in the 1960s, but reports emerged years after that it was the CIA who fueled the battle.
Who is Maulana Ron Karenga?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY ($1000)!!! This Southeast Asian country is the place where the largest Muslim population lives.
What is Indonesia?
These three major world religions based on the story of Abraham's sacrifice share many commonalities, in spite of their differences.
What are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
This 1972 legislation finally guaranteed that girls no longer have to struggle to get their fair share of money allotted for sports and scholarships.
What is Title IX?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY ($1000)!!! This is the phenomenon, documented by John Ogbu, in which students who are members of involuntary minority groups fear being ostracized by their peers if they achieve in school and conform to the mainstream culture.
What is “acting White”?