Multiculture Competence
Multiculturalism on Campus
Information on Cultural Populations
Application @ UB
Immersion Projects
  • This involves the essential attitudes, values, biases, and assumptions that each of us carries with us, whether we realize it or not, that influence our worldview” and are “shaped by our upbringing, education, and life experiences. (Hint: Chapter 1 in multicultural competence in student affairs text)

What is Multi - Cultural Awareness


The 1896 Supreme Court ruling which established the separate but equal doctrine, spurred significant growth among HBIs in the South and the 1954 Supreme Court ruling was revolutionary in its effects on education because of the inclusion of African Americans in the educational process. African Americans in the South were no longer limited to attendance at HBIs. Hint: Multiculturalism on Campus Chapter Section Two Part 7

What is Plessey v. Ferguson & Brown V. Board of Education


The 1990 passage of the ______ mandates civil right for people with______ and must provide ______ to these students at all institutions of higher education. Hint: Multiculturalism on Campus Section Two Part 15

Passage of the ADA, Disabilities, Access 


Here at the University at Buffalo, students with disabilities have offices and resources available to help them succeed. However, more things can be accomplished. What can be done to improve the services and resources for students at UB?

More Elevators, Escalators are needed in the Baldy Hall, Student Union 

Colleges and universities need better sharing of information across their campus, including more coordination between their academic departments and disability offices. In addition, the university should teach all students how to use the basic support features built into their computer's operating systems, such as its limited screen reader functionality.


The name of one of our classmates who did their project on the LGBTQ+ community.

Who is Salim? alt. Who is Tyler?


is when a society in which the distribution of resources is equitable and all members are physically and psychological safe and secure. (Hint: Chapter 1 in multicultural competence in student affairs text)

What is Social Justice


Educator who's approach pushed for industrial education for African Americans, and the educator who believed in a more traditional liberal arts education that would train future leaders with in the Black community. Hint: Multiculturalism on Campus  Section Two Part 7

Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. DuBois


Why is this test required for international students before admission to a U.S higher education institution. In 2005 this test measured reading and writing ability but neglected this skill?

Hint: Multiculturalism on Campus Chapter Section Two Part 11

(TOEFL) The Test of English as a foreign language

Skill: Speaking Skills


Incoming undergraduate students at the University who are first-generation and low-income college students have valuable programs that can help them, succeed. Please List 2 programs, their mission, vision, and how they benefit students on campus.

CSTEP - The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) empowers talented students from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue careers in science, technology, math, and engineering (STEM), the licensed professions and health-related fields. Our scholarly community of students, alumni mentors and faculty work hand-in-hand to increase the presence of underrepresented students in these fields.

ACE - Access to College Excellence (ACE) is a support services program designed to aid in students’ transition from high school to college and during their first two years of study at UB. Here, students receive academic and holistic support that helps them maximize their potential and succeed in college and beyond. 


These classmates' immersion projects involved immigrant and refugee populations.

Who are Kate and Courteney?


According to Kumagai and Lypson (2009) stated  “not a static requirement to be checked off some list but is something beyond the somewhat rigid categories of knowledge, skills, and attitudes: the continuous critical refinement and fostering of a type of thinking and knowing – a critical consciousness – of self, others, and world” (Hint: Chapter 1 in multicultural competence in student affairs text)

What is Cultural Competence


Kurt Lewin proposed a formula to explain that behavior (B) is a function (f) of the interaction between person (P) and environment (E). Kaiser (1975). Please write out the formula.Hint: Multiculturalism on Campus Chapter Section one Part 3

What is B = f (P × E)?


This Theory has Nine sections to help the African American college student. What is this theory and its nine tasks? Hint: Multiculturalism on Campus Section Two Part 7

Development Theory

1. Developing Ethnic and Racial Identity 2. Interacting with the dominant culture 3. Developing cultural aesthetics and awareness 4. Developing Identity 5. Developing Interdependence 6. Fullfilling affiliation needs 7. Surviving intellectually 8. Developing spirituality 9. Developing social responsibility


The University of Buffalo is a very diverse community overall. Among us, we represent many different communities. As a student, some of us may want to discover our roots or be amongst our peers we identify as. Please list at least 3 multicultural clubs, organizations, or fraternities that are servicing students on campus.

Afghan Student Association

African Student Association 

Aish Buffalo 

American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin 

American Association of University Women 

Argentine Tango Club

Black Student Union 

Bollywood Dance and Drama Club 

Caribbean Student Association 


Full name for the acronym, BSU; a student group on campus that Grace Odom went for her project

What is the Black Student Union?


What does this chart represent: 

(Hint: Chapter 1 in multicultural competence in student affairs text)

What is Advocacy Competency Domains


What is the title of this Chart & 3 Missing Heading? What does this Chart Represent Hint: Creating Multicultural Change on Campus Chapter 2

Title: Continuum of Multicultural Organization Development

3 missing Headings: Monocultural, Nondiscriminating, Multicultural


model of multicultural development that portray the process of transformation that moves an organization from monocultural to multicultural


________ is essential to the development of any tribal nation in regard to education, economic development, social services, and health care (Bitsóí, 2007). Begay (1997) also asserts that _________places the keys to economic and social development in the hands of __________.

Hint: Multiculturalism on Campus Section Two Part 8


tribal governments


You are hired as a teachers assistant for a freshman learning community course. What ideas do you have for educating students about diversity here on campus?

One example: In the course, ask the students to pair up with students that they didn't know and ask them the following questions: 

  1. What would you say is, from your perspective, the most commonly held misconception about people of your culture?\
  2. Which language did you speak when you were growing up? Did you also speak another language?
  3. Do you belong to a group in your country that is different from other (ethnic) groups? Are your parents from the same group? 
  4. What makes this group different from other groups? Which customs, opinions, position in society?
  5.  How important is belonging to this group to you?

An event held for Veterans and their family members tomorrow (Nov. 20) through the Veterans One-Stop Center of WNY. (Clue: Tista's email to the class)

What is Dwyer Free Yoga for Veterans and Friends?


Goodman (2013) identified five key aspects to her framework: (1) self-awareness, (2) understanding and valuing others, (3) knowledge of social inequities, (4) skills to interact effectively with diverse people in different contexts, and (5) skills to foster equity and inclusion. This list of competencies that she refers to as?

What is Cultural Competence


How is multicultural organization as defined by grieger(1996)? Also list the stages of MOCD stages, and what stage resonates with your group the most in regards to the university at buffalo campus. Hint: Creating Multicultural Change on Campus

A multicultural organization: (a) is inclusive in composition of staff and constituencies served; (b) is diversity-positive in its commitment, vision, mission, values, processes, structure, policies, service delivery, and allocation of resources; (c) is permeated by a philosophy of social justice with decisions informed by consideration of ensuring fairness, ending oppression, and guaranteeing equal access to resources and opportunities for all groups; (d) regards diversity as an asset and values the contributions of all members; (e) values and rewards multicultural competencies, including diversity-positive attitudes, knowledge about salient aspects of diverse groups, and skills in interacting with and serving diverse groups effectively, sensitively, and respectfully; and (f) is fluid and responsive in adapting to ongoing diversity-related change.

Stages: Exclusionary, Club, Compliance, affirmative, redefining, multicultural


AAPI stands for this?  Under the AAPI many of the subgroups share a common worldview of _______?   __________ refers to the validation of the subgroup as opposed to the______ as the most essential component of healthy functioning

Hint: Multiculturalism on Campus section 2

Asian American and Pacific Islanders




What is the opportunity gap and how do you hope to address it at this institution?

The opportunity gap is defined as how race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, immigrant status, or other factors contribute to lower educational aspirations, achievement, and attainment for a specific group of student. 

Access to Higher Education Programs and Innovatives: Bottom Line, EOP, HEOP, SEEK, ACE, CSTEP

College Preparatory Curriculum 

Equitable Instructional Resources


(Name, Title of Video, and one thing that stuck with you from her story)

Who is Chimamanda Ngozi? What is "The danger of a single story"?