Other groups and General Literature
Principles of Multicultural Literature
African American
Native American
Latino and Asian
Middle Eastern
Name the main genres of literature
What is Folk tale, Traditional Tales, Legends, fable, Narrative Nonfiction, Myth, Tall tale, Diary or Journal, Fairy Tale, Poetry, Informational, Autobiography, Biography, Nonfiction, Historical Fiction, Fiction, Realistic Fiction
Norton describes a five phase program for examining multicultural literature. Give an example of a phase one piece of literature.
Any ancient myth, legend, and folktale of a culture.
What are the most prominent themes in historical nonfiction in African American literature?
Slavery, civil war, civil rights
What are the most prominent themes inhistorical nonfiction in Asian literature?
WW11, feudal Japan, immigration.
Name an important criteria in selecting Jewish literature
1. Religious in nature – Judaism 2. Historically accurate 3. Early History of Jewish people: Old Testament Bible time 4. Holidays – Hanukah, Festivals, Passover, Bar Mitzvahs 5. Psalms and Proverbs for poetry 6. Respectful of culture and religion 7. Illustrations and text not stereotypical – stingy, Jewish princess, yarmulke, 8. Things to look at include, messages of faith, learning, hospitality and family, remembrance 9. Folklore: wit, wisdom, ironic, wonder and magic, supernatural characters, parables, scary stories told from child to child, God’s wonder, a. Themes: Biblical, Hebrew and Yiddish languages, used to preserve spirit of Jewish people
What is the criteria for books on ageism?
The book should promotes empahty not pity, depict acceptance not ridicule, address abilities, demonstrates respect, uses no derogatory language, promotes attitude of "one of us" not "one of them"
What books are used in phase three and four and five?
Nonfiction, Historical fiction, Realistic fiction
Name a prominent Native American author and a book he/she has written.
Paul Goble : Buffalo Woman
Describe the criteria for selecting Latino books
Not just Mexican or Puerto Rican, Imbalance in types of books, focus on Christmas celebrations, religious faith, Cinco de Mayo, use of Spanish words often in error.
Name 3 types of Jewish traditional tales.
Ghosts, humor, legends, biblical
Name 3 things to do to be sure to avoid racism and sexism in children's multicultural literature.
Pictures, language, publishing date
Name three activities that can be done with multicultural books to maintain a living literature classroom.
Reader's theater, book talk, literature circles, alternatives to book reports, and many more.
Describe criteria for selection Native American books.
- Native Americans not shown as inferior, deprived or cruel - Natives not shown as savages in headdresses. - Native Americans not seen as inferior to white or in need of “saving” by whites - Traditional Tales – dominant themes are living in harmony with nature, viewing religion as a natural phenomenon closely related to nature, respect for wisdom of age and experience and emphasis of needs of group and family over individual Realistic Fiction: themes of extended family, respect of elders, strength of character, ancestry, real life situations
Name a biography you could use in the classroom of Asian tradition.
Marco Polo for kids is one example
Nonfiction books in Jewish and Middle Eastern literature focus on what areas? Name at least 2.
Travel, land, religion, and holidays.
What ways can a teacher stop bullying in schools and classrooms?
Stop language, jokes, teach tolerance, speak up and take action, create alternatives, digging deeper begins with you.
Describe guidelines for reading aloud multicultural books.
Have knowledge of the book, beginning, during and after activities.
Name 3 themes in African American realistic fiction.
Family and extended family, respect for elders, prejudice and hatred, discovery of oneself, forgiveness, ancestry, gangs.
Name 3 themes in Latino realistic fiction.
Family and extended family, celebrations, fitting in in America, immigrations and migrant workers, culture and real life situations.
Name 3 problems with using Jewish or Middle Eastern books in the classroom.
Religious focus that we often do not understand well, few choices, stereotypes.
Describe a major belief in living literature of a quality teacher.
All kids can learn and be taught.
Name two values for using multicultural literature in a classroom.
Answers may vary.
Name a cultural belief and settings found in Native American books.
Belief in spirits and ancestors, blessing, settings often in West.
Name 2 cultural beliefs and values found in Asian Traditional tales that are different from Western beliefs.
Filial piety, respect for ancestry and utmost regard for parents, family hierarchy and one's place in the family, family and community traditions, and duty and honor. Community and cooperation and interrelatedness contrast western thought of individualism.
Name the themes of Arab folktales.
Bedouin tales of desert nomads, tales of magic and supernatural, household tales of kijinn, ghouls and animal tales, fables and anecdotes, fools and rascals, religious tales, moral instruction, wit and wisdom.