Myths vs Facts
Evidence Based Practices Re:Multilingualism
NYC Public School Protocol
Role of the Bilingual Provider

This AAC device comes with word power in English and Spanish.

What is Touch Chat with Word Power?


Parents of children with language delays or disorders should only speak to a child in one language.

What is a Myth told by some SLPs and or Doctors?


According to the national education association (NEA) policy brief, by 2025 about 1 out 4 students in the classroom will be an English Language Learner (ELL)

How many students in the public schools will be Bilingual/multilingual?


This form in SESIS is used to document the results of a speech and language evaluation.

What is the Speech/Language Evaluation form?


To conduct Bilingual Evaluations, initiate, change and terminate Bilingual Speech Services.

What can a Bilingually Certified provider do?


This AAC device has different versions, like 2 and 4. It uses English, Spanish, Dutch, and French.

What is Proloquo2Go?


Families should speak the language they are most comfortable speaking so that children receive rich linguistic models to transfer to their L2.

What is a Fact stated by a Certified Bilingual Pathologist?


This period is called a common phenomenon and it is indicative of learning and absorbing a new language. 

What is the silent period?


This must be considered by the IEP team when determining the appropriate language for delivering special education services, including speech therapy, for multilingual learners.

What is the student's proficiency in both their native language and English?


Bilingual SLP offer resources to families, teachers and administrators that include strategies and techniques to provide best services.

Who do Bilingual SLPs offer resources to?


One of the many features of this AAC device is being Multilingual and Uses Google Translate.

What is CoughDrop?


Parents who only speak one language will have a hard time raising a bilingual child.

What is a Myth that can be told by an educator?


Bringing your own assets to each environment.

What do Bilingual/Multilingual students bring with them?


This type of assessment is designed to identify technology tools that can improve a student's participation, independence, and access to learning.

What is an assistive technology (AT) assessment?


Sensitivities to various beliefs, behaviors, languages, practices and expressions unique to members of a specific ethnicity, race or national origin.

What is having an increased awareness of cultural differences?


This AAC device has 13 languages, including but not limited to- English, Spanish, Mandarin, Czech, Dutch, French, Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew, and more.

What is a TD-Snap?


Children with language delays or disorders can learn to communicate in two languages. Parents are encouraged to speak to their children in any and all languages in which they are comfortable.

What is a Fact for multilingual students?


Emergent bilinguals oftentimes have difficulty participating in their classrooms. Their self-esteem is suffering.

What is a langage barrier disadvantage?


The primary goal of this assessment is to evaluate a student’s communicative competence, including comprehension and expression, and its impact on learning.

What is a speech and language assessment?


A child is able to speak another language that is different than the language used for instruction, and child has difficulty either understanding and/or processing language, either receptively or expressively

What is a Language Difference Vs. Language Disorder? 


This AAC device has 18 languages- English, Arabic, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish (users built-in IOS keyboard).

What is Proloquo4Text?


Children learn language through repeated experiences and by using language to express themselves. As long as they have these opportunities, they will learn both languages even if a parent is still learning a second language.

What is a Fact about how children learn two languages?

  • Transfer
  • Fossilization
  • Silent Period
  • Language Loss
  • Code Switching

What is TYPICAL Processes of New Language Acquisition?


When determining services for a multilingual learner, this team must consider factors such as the student’s language proficiency, home language, and educational history.

What is the IEP team?


To be aware of the process in which a minority group or culture comes to resemble a society's majority group or assimilates the values, behaviors, and beliefs of another group whether fully or partially.

What is increased awareness of assimilation into a new culture?