Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Technical College

The school that Sam attended K-5

What is Dora Moore?


First middle school Sam attended

What is Dora Moore for 6th & 7th grade?


First high school Sam attended

What is East High School?


Technical college that Sam attended

What is Emily Griffith Technical College?


The reason Sam wanted to go back to school

He wasn't happy in his life and wanted to do something he felt like he could be proud of.


Sam's favorite subject in elementary school

What is math?


Second middle school Sam attended

What is Cheyenne Wells Middle School for 8th grade?


Second high School Sam attended

What is Emily Griffith High School?

Sam's area of study in technical college

What is Geographic Information Systems (GIS)?


What held Sam back from going to school for so long?

He was afraid that history would be doomed to repeat itself and he would end up failing and dropping out. 


A way Sam struggled in elementary school

His parents divorced during this time.


A way that Sam struggled in middle school

His mom started drinking a lot and his dad moved 3 hours away.


The way Sam ended his high school career

What is by dropping out in 2014-15?


The year Sam finished his technical college program

He didn't. He was suffering from depression at the time, and after failing the last class twice, he could no longer gather the motivation or money to finish, so he dropped out in 2019.


What made Sam want to be a teacher

He had a hard time in high school and remembers how, despite his love of learning and being in school, he was not able to succeed due to the lack of support from the people around him, and he wants to be someone who can offer that support for students who may be in similar situations.


Sam's general performance in elementary school

He was always near the top of his class in everything except writing.


Sam's general performance in middle school

Still above average generally, but teachers and others who knew me definitely noticed a decline.


One of the reasons Sam dropped out of high school

Life at home was bad, and he did not have the support needed to succeed at the time.


When Sam got his GED

2020 while concurrently enrolled at Emily Griffith Technical College.