The Renaissance
Christopher Columbus
Government/French Revolution
Industrial Revolution

What is the Renaissance?

The Renaissance was a period of European cultural, artistic, political and scientific rebirth. 


What was Tokugawa Ieyasu responsible for?

Tokugawa was responsible for unifying Tokyo and becoming sole ruler. 


What would the Spanish do with the Caribbean lands they gained?

The Spanish colonized the land they gained and used its resources for trade. 


What is mercantilism?

Mercantilism is the belief that a countries power depends on its wealth. 


What was the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was a historical movement where technology began to reform how things are done. 


How did art change during the period of the Renaissance?

Art changed during the period of the Renaissance because people began to gain more interest in different techniques, and the meaning behind paintings changes aswell. 

Who was Zheng He?

Zheng He was a Chinese Admiral that led seven voyages. 


Who was Christopher Columbus?

Christopher Columbus was a voyager, explorer, that sailed west and "discovered" the new world. 


Under mercantilism, what was the goal of every nation?

The goal of every nation became the attainment of as much wealth as possible. 


Where did the Industrial Revolution begin? Why?

The Industrial Revolution began in Europe because they had the resources that allowed them to conquer more land.


Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy? 

The Renaissance began in Italy because of its geographical location. Since it was a place where trade occurred and with trade came a new culture.  


What was the purpose of Zheng He’s voyages?

The purpose of Zheng He's voyages was to impress other people with the power and wealth of China. Also to convince others to pay tribute to China each year. 


Where did Columbus land?

Columbus landed somewhere in the Western islands, like Hispaniola. 


Who bore the tax burdens in France before the revolution?

Before the revolution in France, tax burdens were bored by the Third Estate. 


What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution led to a boost in the economy, pollution, bad working conditions, and a more Urban society. 


What are the classics? What did the study of classical texts cause humanist to focus on?

The Classics were the teachings from the past based on ancient texts. The study of the classical texts led to the study of human potential and what they can do. 


Why did Zheng He’s voyages stop?

Zheng He's voyages stopped because he died which led to China's isolation. 


Who sponsored Columbus’ voyages?

Columbus' voyages were sponsored by Spain. 


What were the causes of the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was caused by unfair taxes, nationwide famine, and Enlightenment ideals. 


What is imperialism?

Imperialism is when countries try to significantly expand their influence over other places in the world. 


How did Enlightenment thinkers influence the U.S. government? Give specific examples on who did what.

Enlightenment thinkers influenced the U.S. government by bringing a new point of views into the government. They created new types of ideas that were brought into the government. The social contract is an example of the change in government. 


When did the Ming dynasty begin and end?

The Ming Dynasty began in the year 1368 and ended in 1644. 


What was Columbus’ reason for sailing west?

Columbus' reason for sailing west was to find a faster route to India so that he can obtain and bring back rich cargoes. 


What was the Reign of Terror? Who was responsible for the Reign of Terror? Was anyone safe from it?

The Reign of Terror was a wave of senseless panic that spread through France after the Storming of the Bastille. Maximilien Robespierre was responsible for the reign of terror. No one was safe from this. 


How did the Industrial Revolution influence imperialism?

The Industrial Revolution helped spread imperialism. With more advanced technology, things became cheaper, and the economy of many nations grew. This gave nations more power to conquer more land.