A specific sequence of DNA that determines one or more of a creatures traits A) Trait B) Gene C) DNA D) Chromosome
What is B (gene)
Audrey Beth has a learning disability. She is required to learn the same content as her peers, but is allowed to give her worksheet answers orally in some classes, and receives extra time to complete assignments in other classes. These changes to Audrey Beth's education are considered to be A) part of UDL. B) differentiated instruction. C) instructional modifications. D) instructional accommodations.
What is (D) instructional accommodations.
The three dimensions of diversity most often referred to by educators are A) culture, language, and ethnicity. B) ethnicity, disability, and language. C) language, race, and socioeconomic status. D) language, disability, and culture.
What is (D) language, disability, and culture.
Which of the following sounds is one of the first that young children are able to pronounce? A) k B) p C) f D) s
What is (B) p
IDEA '04 addressed the IQ-discrepancy concerns in the identification of learning disabilities by A) requiring that all states use the same discrepancy model with similar cut-off scores. B) forbidding the use of IQ testing and requiring instead a series of neurological examinations, such as CAT scans, that could identify central nervous system malfunctions. C) dropping standardized testing and using an IQ test as the sole criterion. D) suggesting the use of response to intervention while in the general educational classroom as part of the evaluation process.
What is (D) suggesting the use of response to intervention while in the general educational classroom as part of the evaluation process.
Considering the appropriate use of disability-related terminology, indicate the most acceptable phrase. A) retarded children B) mentally handicapped children C) children with intellectual and developmental disabilities D) mentally retarded children
What is (C) children with intellectual and developmental disabilities
The main purpose of the pre-referral stage is to A) notify the parents that their child is struggling in the classroom. B) prepare the necessary paperwork for the formal referral process. C) avoid unnecessary assessments and placements in special education. D) conduct assessments to determine the child's learning strengths and weaknesses.
What is (C) avoid unnecessary assessments and placements in special education.
Vinna is from a cultural group that is not Eurocentric or of mainstream America. She is considered to be A) linguistically diverse. B) culturally diverse. C) limited English proficient. D) historically overrepresented.
What is (B) culturally diverse.
Gus is three years old and has been identified as having language delays. He will probably receive services under which IDEA disability category? A) learning disabilities B) developmental delay C) speech or language impairments D) hearing impairments
What is (B) developmental delay
Which of the following children may be at risk for having a learning disability? A) Alan, a preschooler who developed language skills very early B) Dan, a toddler who enjoys making up rhyming nonsense words C) Greg, a four-year-old who does not know the letters of the alphabet D) David, a one-year-old who shows strong babbling skills but no language skills
What is (C) Greg, a four-year-old who does not know the letters of the alphabet
The first law guaranteeing the rights of students with disabilities to a free appropriate public education was A) PL 101-336, the Americans with Disabilities Act B) PL 101-476, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. C) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. D) PL 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.
What is (D) PL 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.
A special requirement of IDEA that assists in the referral process by identifying children who may benefit from special education, even if they are not in school yet, is A) the children's placement service. B) The Child at Risk. C) child find. D) child referral.
What is (C) child find.
In addition to overrepresentation of students receiving special education services, an additional disproportionality concern that has arisen recently focuses on A) provision of related services. B) special education placement settings. C) due process procedures. D) participation in IEP meetings.
What is (B) special education placement settings.
Speech or language impairments would be the largest special education category if A) assessments were conducted properly and thoroughly. B) primary and secondary disabilities were combined. C) all parents allowed their children to be tested for disabilities. D) children with articulation problems were included in the count.
What is (B) primary and secondary disabilities were combined.
Ms. Pittman is a school principal who has decided to use RTI. In order to quickly identify all struggling students in her school, she will use A) an IQ test. B) universal screening. C) a standardized achievement test. D) portfolio assessment.
What is (B) universal screening.
One benefit that IDEA provides for family members includes procedures to follow when they do not agree with schools about the education planned for or being delivered to their children. These procedures are referred to as A) IEP meetings. B) FAPE. C) related services. D) due process.
What is (D) due process.
Emmett has just been found eligible for special education services. The next step in the IEP process is A) evaluation and reviews. B) implementation of the IEP. C) development of the IEP. D) identification.
What is (C) development of the IEP.
Lack of knowledge about core subject requirements, unavailability of advanced placement courses, and low teacher referrals for advanced classes are all factors influencing A) the increasing numbers of female scientists. B) graduation rates of students of color. C) the poor postsecondary outcomes for diverse students. D) the shortage of teachers from diverse backgrounds.
What is (C) the poor postsecondary outcomes for diverse students.
SLPs do NOT __________ during the prereferral stage. A) analyze the student's school records B) provide direct services to the child C) conduct evaluations in the classroom D) suggest alternative instructional procedures
What is (B) provide direct services to the child
Research findings suggest that A) students who do not acquire core reading skills early on become poor readers. B) struggling readers eventually catch up to their peers on their own. C) readers who are struggling at third grade tend to become better readers by seventh grade. D) students who are poor readers in ninth grade usually have strong decoding skills but poor comprehension.
What is (A) students who do not acquire core reading skills early on become poor readers.
Which of the following would be supported under ADA? A) New buses, trains, and subways should be accessible. B) free appropriate public education for all students C) education of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment D) Old buildings must be renovated for accessibility.
What is (A) New buses, trains, and subways should be accessible.
Which stage of the IEP process determines whether the student is meeting the goals and objectives specified in the IEP? A) eligibility B) evaluation and reviews C) development of the IEP D) implementation of the IEP
What is (B) evaluation and reviews
ESL classes conduct instruction primarily in A) the home language. B) English. C) both languages. D) English with occasional help from paraprofessionals.
What is (B) English.
What type of impairment is uncommon among schoolchildren? A) articulation problems B) voice problems C) language impairments D) language delays
What is (B) voice problems
Ms. Estrella is a first-year teacher working with students with learning disabilities. When selecting instructional techniques, she should be sure to A) choose those that are interesting or fun for her to administer. B) use the latest methods discussed by fellow teachers. C) choose techniques that are verified through rigorous research. D) ask the children what techniques they like the best.
What is (C) choose techniques that are verified through rigorous research.