Multiple Meaning Words 1
Multiple Meaning Words 2
Multiple Meaning Words 3
Multiple Meaning Words 4
Multiple Meaning Words 5

Name two meanings for the word band.

To join together

A group of musicians

A decorative strip or stripe across an object


Name two meanings of the word spread

To lay out or stretch out

A cloth covering a table or bed

To spread a thin layer of butter on bread


Name two meanings for the word seal

To close something tightly

An official stamp

A sea animal


Name two meanings of the word chest

A box used for storing

A large front area on the body or animal


Name two meanings for the word change

Loose coins

To alter or modify something


Name two meanings for the word strike

To hit

To swing a bat and miss the ball 

To stop working


Name two meanings of the word pick 

To pluck a guitar

To take hold of and remove

To choose


Name two meanings for the word track

An oval area that people run around 

To follow something by using signals or clues



Name two meanings for the word stable

A building where animals are sheltered

Not getting worse in a medical condition

Firmly fixed not likely to move


Name two meanings for the word trunk 

The main wood part of a tree

A long snout on an elephant

An object or area for holding items


Name two meanings of the word bill

A statement of money owed

A duck's beak

A proposed law

Name two meanings of the word ground

dirt or soil

The lowest floor of a building

To smash into small particles


Name two meanings for the word note

A pitch in music

A short letter 

To notice or pay attention


Name two meanings for the word clear

See-through or transparent

To remove something

Easy to perceive or understand


Name two meanings for the word fence

An upright structure enclosing an area of ground

A sport using swords 


Name two meanings of the word match

A small stick that lights when struck

To be equal

A competition such as in sports


Name two meanings of the word fan 

An apparatus that cools by creating a breeze

Someone who is interested in an person or activity

Name two meanings of the word tie

An equal score 

A piece of clothing worn around the neck

To entwine laces, rope, or ribbon


Name two meanings for the word rose

A type of flower

Past tense of rise to move up from a lower position


Name two meanings for the word kid

A baby goat

A form of teasing


Name two meanings of the word block 

To stop something to keep if from happening

A square or rectangular area in a neighborhood

A toy


Name two meanings for the word mold

A container that a liquid is poured into for hardening

A growth of fungus


Name two meanings of the word cut

A wound 

To divide a pack of cards

To make an opening or separation using a knife or scissors


Name two meanings for the word train

To teach a person or animal a skill

Vehicles or animals moving in the same direction


Name two meanings for the word shed

A building to store items

To remove something