A cardinal direction OR Kim Kardashian's daughter's name
What does IEP stand for?
Individualized Education Plan
What animal is called a 'Joey'?
A baby kangaroo
What is the heaviest gemstone commonly used in jewelry?
What does the idiom "pie in the sky" mean?
An impossible drem
Press can mean to push something down OR _______________.
A group of reporters
Judge can mean to form an opinion about something. What else can "judge" mean?
A person who makes decision in a court of law.
A scale is something used to measure weight OR ____________.
small plates that grow from the skin of a fish
Give 2 definitions for the word "pound" (bonus if you can give 3)
1. a unit of measuring weight
2. to hit something repeatedly
3. a unit of money used in the UK and other countries
Note can be to record something in writing (verb) OR _______________ (noun).
a short informal written message
What are 2 meanings for the word "kid" (bonus if you give 3)?
1. a child
2. to be silly/joking
3. a baby goat
Give 2 definitions for the word "right"
1. a direction
2. what you are allowed to do by law
Give 2 definitions for the word "crane"
1. a bird with a long neck and long legs, typically white and gray
2. a big piece of machinery used to move heavy objects
Chest can mean the part of the body between the neck and stomach OR _______________.
a large box used to for storage or shipping (usually made of wood)
Give 2 meanings for the word "range"
1. a set of different things that fall in the same category
2. to extend between specific limits