Multiplication Whole #
5 x 5
What is 25
4.5 x 8
What is 36
45 divided by 9
What is 5
4.2 divided by 2
What is 2.1
What is the mascot for our school
12 x 3
What is 36
3.98 x 4
What is 15.92
64 divided by 2
What is 32
7.8 x 3
What is 2.6
What are our school colors
Blue and Yellow
385 x 39
What is 15,015
.05 x 46
What is 2.3
845 divided by 5
What is 169
82.4 divided by 2
What is 41.2
What is the name of our highschool
Thomas A Edison
48 x 54
What is 2,592
What is 64.8
3,360 divided by 35
What is 96
845.7 divided by 3
What is 281.9
How do you spell your teachers name
Nicholson or Grant
4,876 x 278
What is 1,355,528
54.8 x 78
What is 4,274.4
3,872 divided by 88
What is 44
1760.4 divided by 36
What is 48.9
How many school days are in one school year?